10 powerful anti-ageing foods to add to your diet

10 powerful anti-ageing foods to add to your diet

What foods should be on your next grocery list in order to help fight wrinkles while maintaining your youthful energy, both inside and out?

Check out ten of our favourite age-busting superfoods here to help minimise wrinkles, discolouration and other signs of ageing skin.

Fruits and vegetables high in flavonoids and carotenoids - two powerful plant-based antioxidants - help remove free radicals from your skin and body that cause premature ageing.

A well-balanced diet can not only help you lose weight, live longer and feel fitter, it can also help you look younger.

Get ready to turn back the clock in 2016, by adding these 10 anti-ageing superfoods into your diet.


Not only will you feel healthier, but your skin will feel young, firm and fresh. Here's to looking and feeling fabulous!

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