5 things you can do to sleep better

5 things you can do to sleep better

This article was originally on GET.com at: 5 Things You Can Do To Sleep Better

Are you one of those Singaporeans who can yawn 10 times within a short span of 5 minutes while commuting to work because you haven't had a restful shut-eye since, well, forever? Sleep is such an important part of our lives that many of us, myself included, undermine. Written loud and clear on SingHealth's site, there are negative short and long term consequences that accompany sleep deprivation.

Moreover, scientists who've analyzed data collected from an app studied the globe's sleeping patterns shared that people in Singapore or Japan have close to an hour less in bed nightly compared to the Dutch. Published in Science Advances, the study also learnt that women tend to sleep more than men in general.

Whether you like it or not, having sufficient, quality sleep is vital to our well-being and overall health. Being constantly tired is excruciatingly exhausting. Let's not forget about those humongous eye bags and dark shadows underneath our eyes that not even industrial-strength concealers can handle.

Here, we at GET.com share with you 5 things you can do to sleep better.

5 Things You Can Do To Sleep Better

1. Stick To Your Body's Natural Rhythms

Do you remember having your grandparents breathing down your neck since you were little about going to bed early and waking up early? It is important that we get in sync consistently with our body's natural sleep-wake cycle no matter how ridiculous it sounds.

An easy way to ease yourself into this is to go to bed and get up at the same time every day; your body's internal clock will thank you but you'll first have to set a realistic bedtime that works for you and your lifestyle.

2. Quit Using Your Mobile Devices At Night

There, there. Many of us are guilty of using our mobile phones to surf the net, watch videos or chat with friends right before bedtime. Admit it. How many times have you accidentally dropped your phone onto your face or collarbone?

According to the wondrous internet, nighttime light interferes with sleep and our body's natural rhythms but the blue light emitted by electronic devices is incredibly disruptive.

So yes, it's time to say goodbye to late-night Korean drama marathons, cooking programmes and YouTube video binges if you want a more restful sleep.


3. Pamper Yourself with an Evening Treat

Play soft relaxing music, take a nice warm bath, use your favourite soaps and shampoo, slather on some fancy moisturizer all over your body (pick those with calming, soothing scents if possible), burn some scented candles, put on your softest PJs and so on. Do whatever it takes to pamper yourself and prep for a good night's sleep.

While an elaborate daily pamper evening may not be that feasible, do this a once a week or fortnightly. You'll be surprised how fun it can be and how relaxing it actually is.

And you obviously don't have to stick rigidly to the aforementioned things above - customise your own relaxing evening and tailor it according to what you feel pampers you most.

4. Avoid Huge Meals At Night

Yes, this means you ought to bid goodbye to random McD deliveries late at night. If I may suggest, stay away from heavy, fatty foods in the evening as these make your poor stomach work harder and take longer to digest properly.

If you are going to order food, it may be a better idea to check out these six healthy food delivery options or these 10 non-fast-food deliveries in Singapore.

Well, I don't know about you, but I've never had the habit of eating late at night. Perhaps, it'll help for you to stash those tempting crunchy potato chips far away from sight?

5. Manage Your Finances Wisely

Financial problems can cause undue stress and anxiety for individuals stuck in the rut with mountains of debts and bills to pay off. That stress and anxiety will inevitably have an impact on your ability to go to bed with peace of mind and rejuvenate your tired body. Start by minimizing your debts as best as you possibly can.

One crucial thing you can do for yourself is to have your financial goals planned out realistically and make sure you stick to them. Get yourself into a money-saving mode and quit spending mindlessly each time you get your paycheck.

And if you're thinking of splashing out on designer bags (or any other luxury goods) just because everyone else has them, make careful considerations before you charge these purchases to your credit card.

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