I can't stop peeing! Is this pregnancy incontinence?

I can't stop peeing! Is this pregnancy incontinence?
PHOTO: Pixabay

Pregnancy incontinence is a problem many women face but often do not talk about. To some, it's embarrassing to have to deal with this when they are pregnant. It can be a huge concern as well.

Pregnancy incontinence affects millions of women who have recently given birth. Studies show that it can last for years, impacting their quality of life. The majority of these women are affected by stress or urge incontinence.

Some cases, however – especially if you've had natural childbirth with an episiotomy – are related to voiding (leaking urine) when laughing, sneezing, coughing or exercising. 

What is pregnancy incontinence?

Pregnancy incontinence, also known as urinary incontinence, is a condition that affects many women during pregnancy. It can occur at any point in the pregnancy, but most often, it occurs in the third trimester.

As your baby grows and puts pressure on your bladder, it can cause you to leak urine when you cough, sneeze or laugh. You may also experience leakage with exertion or physical activity.

There are three types of incontinence: stress, urge and mixed.

Stress incontinence is when urine leaks out when coughing, sneezing or even laughing too hard.

Urge incontinence is when you feel like you have to pee immediately but can't hold it in any longer once you're there.

Mixed incontinence is when both types of incontinence occur at once. Most women experience this type during their pregnancy because it's the most common form of incontinence due to their changing bodies.

Is leaking pee in pregnancy common?

Leaking pee during pregnancy is common.

You might experience this if you have a bladder stretched out by your growing uterus, which can lead to a weak bladder. As your baby grows, the pressure on your bladder increases, making it harder for you to control it.

Also, pregnancy can cause your body to retain more fluids, which adds to the problem.

Drinking lots of water and other liquids is important to stay hydrated. And be sure to let your doctor know if you are experiencing any problems with your bladder during pregnancy so they can recommend treatments or medication that may help you.

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Why are you leaking urine during pregnancy?

If you're pregnant and you're experiencing leakage of urine, it can be embarrassing and frustrating. But don't worry – we've got your back.

There are some reasons for pregnancy incontinence, or the inability to hold in your pee. Here are some of the most common ones:

1. Your pelvic floor muscles aren't strong enough to keep everything in place (even though they should get stronger each trimester).

2. You have an infection or inflammation in your bladder or urethra that interferes with muscle function or nerve supply to those muscles.

3. Your uterus has grown so much that it's pressing against your bladder and pushing out on it from above (which is called vesicovaginal compression).

4. You're not drinking enough water throughout the day, which makes it more difficult to hold in your pee.

When does pregnancy incontinence start?

The answer to this question is that it depends on the individual. Some people may experience incontinence immediately, while others may not experience it until their third trimester.

The cause of this variation is the same as for other pregnancy symptoms: hormones. As your body produces more oestrogen and relaxin, both responsible for loosening ligaments and muscles, you may notice more difficulty controlling your bladder as your belly grows.

Urine leakage during early pregnancy

Changes in hormone levels are the most common cause of urine leakage during early pregnancy. The hormones like progesterone increase during pregnancy which causes certain muscles in your body to relax more than usual.

These muscles are located on your pelvic floor, supporting your bladder and urethra. If these muscles become too relaxed, they may not hold your bladder properly anymore, so urine can leak out when you cough or sneeze, for example.

Can you avoid urine leakage while pregnant? 

Yes! You can avoid urine leakage while pregnant.

If you're pregnant and have to pee more often, it's not just because of your baby – it's also because your bladder is getting stretched out as your uterus expands. It's important to know that this is normal and not something to be alarmed about.

We've got tips for how to avoid urine leakage while pregnant:

1. Don't wear tight clothes (or jeans) around the house.

2. Wear a pad or panty liner if you think your bladder might leak.

3. Drink plenty of water daily to keep your bladder hydrated and healthy during pregnancy.

4. Don't hold in your pee when it's time to go! Try going every hour or so instead of waiting until your bladder feels full – this will help prevent any unnecessary leakage from occurring later on down the road!

How to reduce incontinence in pregnancy?

You can do things to reduce your symptoms and gain more control over your life. Here are five tips for reducing incontinence in pregnancy:

1. Drink plenty of water – and keep drinking it throughout the day.

Hydration is crucial for maintaining bladder control.

2. Exercise regularly – but not too much!

Exercising helps your muscles stay strong and healthy, which helps prevent leaks from happening. But there's no need to overdo it. Moderate exercise like brisk walking or yoga is all you need to keep your body happy and healthy while pregnant.

3. Sit upright whenever possible so that gravity helps keep everything where it should be (including urine!).

And if you have to stand up or walk around while pregnant? Avoid bending over at the waist too much – it could cause urine leakage faster than usual!

4. Use the restroom frequently throughout the day.

5. Do some simple exercises that help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

These muscles help keep your bladder closed so that no urine leaks out when you cough, sneeze or laugh hard.

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How can you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles?

Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles will help improve your quality of life in many ways.

For example, you'll be less prone to urinary incontinence and prolapse, better control your bladder and bowel movements, and experience more frequent and intense orgasms.

There are several different ways to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles:

1. Kegel exercises

Regular pelvic floor exercise helps strengthen pelvic floor muscles, prevents incontinence problems and promotes the recovery of damaged muscles.

2. Avoid holding your urine

Holding urine for a long time increases the pressure on your bladder, causing greater risk of incontinence.

3. Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight puts extra stress on your bladder.

4. Watch what you drink

Reduce or eliminate the consumption of alcohol, caffeine and carbonated drinks as they contribute to urinary incontinence. Drink plenty of water instead to keep your kidneys healthy.

5. Quit smoking

Smoking weakens tissues by reducing oxygen levels in the body, thus increasing the risk of urinary incontinence.

6. Bladder training and knowing when to go

This technique involves taking a watch or timer with you to the toilet at scheduled times throughout the day. Set the alarm every two hours and use the bathroom. Over time, you can lengthen intervals between visits to build up control over how often you urinate.

This article was first published in theAsianparent.
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