Singapore girls' ratings jump from 3/10 to 8/10

Singapore girls' ratings jump from 3/10 to 8/10

In April this year, Singapore girls barely scored 3 points out of 10 from Taiwanese TV host Pauline Lan. But just 5 months later at the StarHub TVB Awards in September, she surprised everyone with a generous 5-point jump to 8 out of 10.

Why the huge increase, and what made her change her impression?

"I think it has been two months since my last recording here. I've noticed a big improvement."

"The two points are reserved for further improvement. If I give full marks now you guys might get too cocky and not put in the effort," the eloquent host added.

"Even for myself I always leave room for improvement."

Did her change of heart have to do with the fact that her show, Lady First, picked up two awards at the recent StarHub TVB awards?


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