Last-minute flight deals from AirAsia

Last-minute flight deals from AirAsia

The year-end holiday season will soon be upon you. And if you are thinking of making a quick getway within the region, now is a good time to plan your trip.

Take advantage of AirAsia's last-minute flight deals from $5 (base fare) and fly to Langkawi, Krabi, Bandung and many other destinations.

The best part is, you don't have to wait for the year-end. The travel period is from Oct 26 until April 30 next year.

What's more, you can fly even further to Adelaide, Busan, Kochi and many more locations via Kuala Lumpur. Base fares start from $66 and all-in fares are from $119.

With AirAsia's Fly-Thru services you can connect conveniently to other destinations in countries such as Australia and South Korea.

The Fly-Thru service offers you the following benefits:

1. Baggage is checked through to the final destination - passengers do not need to collect baggage at the transit hub and check in again.

2. Upon arrival from first flight sector, guests will go through the transfer hall.

3. For international to international connecting flights, passengers do not need to clear immigration, and thus will not be subjected to fulfil visa requirements in Kuala Lumpur or Don Mueang transit hubs (except during extended delays).

4. Guests will get the second boarding pass at the transfer hall, if not provided at the point of origin.

5. Guests can then go directly into the departure hall.

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