5 signs you just aren't marriage material (Women's Edition)

5 signs you just aren't marriage material (Women's Edition)

This article was originally on GET.com at: 5 Signs You Just Aren't Marriage Material (Women's Edition)

Men and women in Singapore are increasingly pushing back getting married. In our parents' time, they would get hitched when turning 20 or 20-ish. Now, many have the goal of getting married before they turn 30.

While the dating scene in Singapore can be trying at times, it also boils down to how 'marriage-worthy' or 'marriage-ready' people may be.

Not everyone is cut out for marriage, that's for sure.

Here at GET.com, we will reveal the 5 signs you are not marriage material.

5 Signs You Aren't Marriage Material

1. You Are Impossibly Demanding

You love controlling your significant other's schedule regardless whether or not he's agreeable. It happens all the time, without fail - you decide when you want to hang out, where you want to go, what you want to eat, which blockbuster you want to watch, which pair of socks he wears, what toothpaste he uses, which TV channel he can watch, which friend he can't speak to so on and so forth. It's all about you, you and you.

You throw a fit each time your guy doesn't return your call or text message "on time" according to the stipulated timeframe which you've established. Not a single occurrence whizzes by without you leaving a string of 42737123 accusing messages within say, 5 minutes.

You demand to know all of his passwords and you snoop on his inboxes as and when you feel like it even though your guy hasn't done anything to give you any reason to not trust him.

Girl friend, if the above are all too familiar, perhaps you should rethink about terrorising this poor guy you're dating.

How can a healthy relationship function if you're the offspring of selfishness and demanding combined?

A marriage or relationship simply cannot function without trust. Demanding your guy report his every movement and activity surely isn't the way to go if you want to get married someday.

2. You Take Your Partner For Granted A Little Too Often

Marriage is teamwork, a union between two individuals who are deeply and madly in love with each other. So, it is never okay for either party to undermine the other and take each other for granted. You never know when your significant other might just stop treating you nice or loving you wholeheartedly once he's reached the point of feeling defeated!

If you've always taken your guy for granted despite him being so accepting of all your quirks, trashy habits and crazy mood swings, take some time to reflect and stop being the way you are because he deserves to be treated nicely, too. Treasure him if he's the one, or risk kissing this guy goodbye.

3. You Are Way Too Cynical

You have a tendency to sneer at his hopes and dreams whatever they may be. Instead of taking on your partner's hopes and dreams, you mock at him and withdraw any form of support for him.

Come on, if you aren't willing to even stand by your guy, to encourage and help him chase after his goals, how can you bear for him to do the same for you?


4. Temptations Are Everywhere

You succumb to temptations in a blink of an eye. Just because your new work colleague is paying you extra attention and he looks cuter than your guy, you jump ship and throw away your 5-year long relationship with your college sweetheart who's been through thick and thin with you, who's literally grown up with you.

If you're this type of person, how sure are you that when you get married, you wouldn't cheat on your husband just because someone "better" comes along in your life? Cut yourself loose from getting into serious relationships with deserving dudes.

5. No Money In Your Account

Is it a habit of yours to roll over the balance on your credit cards? Around a third of credit card holders in Singapore do not pay their credit card bills in full each month, preferring to roll them over from month to month, thus incurring huge interest along the way.

You are prone to spending all your take-home pay each month by going to fancy restaurants too often or buying more shoes than you should.

This apparent lack of self-control is telling of your money habits. A guy may not feel secure sharing his life and money with you because you may just squander every single cent away.

Not to mention, getting married is a very expensive affair. We have written before on the real cost of a wedding in Singapore and it ain't cheap. Unless you want your guy to fork out all the money for your dream wedding and he's willing to do so, he's not going to be happy with your lack of savings.

If you'd like to change your bad money habits and get back on track to a healthy financial lifestyle, check out some tips on creating a financial bucket list to track your money goals.

Are You Marriage Material?

If you are marriage material and you've got the guy, check out GET.com's guide to Best Wedding Venues in Singapore here.

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