Russia's real-life Rapunzel hasn't cut hair in 13 years

Russia's real-life Rapunzel hasn't cut hair in 13 years

It turns out Russia has its very own real-life Rapunzel.

Dashik Gubanova Freckle has reportedly not cut her locks in the last 13 years, and her impressive mane currently reaches her shin.

Obsessed with her long, brown tresses, Ms Freckle has close to 200 photographs on Instagram - most of which feature her hair.


And while most women might find it a hassle to maintain long hair, Ms Freckle hopes to grow it till it reaches her toes.

That's right, her toes.

Since joining in November 2014, Ms Freckles has become sort of an Instagram celebrity - attracting over 115,000 followers and thousands of likes on her videos and photographs.

She has also given women tips on how to care for their hair, revealing her tried-and-tested secret to well-nourished hair - linseed oil.

Linseed oil, also known as flaxseed oil, is a colourless oil obtained from the dried, ripened seeds of the flax plant.

Хочу рассказать о таком продукте, как льняное масло, полезные свойства которого очень важны для здоровья человека. Это масло можно использовать как маску для волос - Небольшое количества подогретого масла массажными движениями нанести на кожу головы. Распределить по всей длине волос. Держать маску в течении часа или двух. После чего волосы тщательно промыть с шампунем. В такую маску можно добавить витамины А и Е, оливковое масло, сметану.. Так же льняное масло можно принимать натощак перед едой с утра (1 столовая ложка) такая добавка позволит поддерживать организм здоровым – как внутренне, так и внешне: нормализует гормональный баланс и обмен веществ, улучшит состояние кожных покровов, волос и ногтей)))

A photo posted by Дашик Губанова Веснушка (@dashik_gubanova) on

In one of her posts, Ms Freckles wrote: "This oil can be used as a mask for hair - use a small amount of warm oil, massage (into hair) for an hour or two. Then, thoroughly rinse your hair with shampoo. To this mask, you can add vitamins A and E, olive oil and sour cream."

"Linseed oil can be taken on an empty stomach in the morning (1 tablespoon), this supplemant will maintain a healthy body," she advised.

With hair that long, you might think it would hinder her ability to do certain things but that is hardly the case for Ms Freckle.

Pictures on her account show her doing activities like horse-riding, modelling and even skydiving.

And because she takes such good care of her hair, several of her followers have asked her to donate her locks to making wigs for cancer patients.

She replied on Instagram: "This post is for those who say that I should donate the hair for wigs...In 14 years, I cut a scythe and donate hair for wigs. Today, I grow hair. My goal is to grow them to toe."

So it looks like Ms Freckle won't be cutting her hair anytime soon.

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