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White House doctor says millennials should stay healthy because they can speedrun video games

White House doctor says millennials should stay healthy because they can speedrun video games
PHOTO: Pixabay

Hey there. If you read the title and were like "Err... what?", rest assured you're not alone, because we, and probably the entire Internet had pretty much the same reaction.

But yes, someone from the White House actually said that, and that someone is the US's Coronavirus Task Force response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx.

In a press conference held earlier today, Dr. Birx expressed that millennials should be taking the Covid-19 outbreak more seriously, saying how millennials' ability to "look around corners and skip through games" meant that it was imperative that they stayed healthy.

Hey, no offence, but shouldn't everyone be taking the outbreak seriously, regardless of whether they know how to speed-run games or not?

Viruses aren't known to be picky eaters.

She then went on to mention how millennials opened her eyes to going straight from level three to level seven in video games (no specific titles were named) and implied that their innovative way of looking at things compared to the older generations would be useful in future.

To her credit, we do get her point, but the analogy she used is a little... awkward, even if it is extremely amusing.

Hey, don't get us wrong. We appreciate the compliment that millennials can think innovatively and speed-run games really well, but as for whether laughter is the best medicine, you might have to give us a bit more time with that one - we're in the midst of err... running tests. Ho ho.

For the latest updates on the coronavirus, visit here.

This article was first published in the Hardware Zone.

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