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Celebrities share with us their New Year's resolutions for 2019

Celebrities share with us their New Year's resolutions for 2019

Will we be seeing local actress Yvonne Lim back on our TV screens in 2019?

At least that seems to be the plan, assuming the stay-at-home mum of two has more time on her hands once her year-old daughter goes to preschool. Yvonne, who married former Taiwanese pop idol Alex Tien, has been based in Taiwan for the past three years. But that may soon change, if she has her way.

Besides Yvonne, other celebs like actress Hong Huifang (who can forget her very public spat with Pan Lingling?), Jacelyn Tay and Fiona Xie look back on their eventful year and shared with us their resolutions and plans for 2019.


What has been your greatest achievement in 2018?
Having my kids and my family. I credit them for switching my focus from the outside to the inside. Being a good mother, a good wife and staying connected to my family is what matters most to me.

Photo: Instagram/@yvonnelim928

How are you ringing in 2019?
With my kids and family of course! Haha! Somehow there is this feeling of excitement for new beginnings and what the new year will bring.

Photo: Instagram/@yvonnelim928

What’s your new year's resolution? Any big plans for the year?
Good health, lots of laughter and happiness for me and my family! As the kids are growing up and Alexa might be starting preschool, there is a good chance I may be back on....TV.

Photo: Instagram/@yvonnelim928


What has been your greatest achievement in 2018?
Being part of the Hollywood worldwide phenomenon - Crazy Rich Asians - and gaining a new loving family. And it's so cool to receive the Best Blockbuster Film award in Macau, am totally excited for the sequel!

Photo: Fiona Xie

How are you celebrating the new year? Any resolutions for 2019?
With a resounding bang. To focus on more philanthropy efforts in the areas of cancer especially, and the arts.

Photo: Fiona Xie

[There are also] some exciting secret projects to be unveiled. Bidding on an epic art piece with two Russian hound dogs in tow, total 'Kitty Pong' [her character in Crazy Rich Asians] flair.

Photo: Fiona Xie


What's your greatest achievement in 2018?
My biggest reward through all the gossip this year (Hong was embroiled in a feud with fellow veteran actress Pan Lingling) was that it allowed me to see past many things, and I've made adjustments and set up certain filters in my life since.

Photo: Instagram/@honghuifang

But it's a pity that the years of positive energy I'd accumulated was wasted in this year. But it's not a bad thing, because I can abandon all that negativity in 2018 and start again on a positive note, ready to welcome 2019.

Photo: Instagram/@honghuifang

Any big plans for 2019?
I don't have any big plans ahead, because plans usually can't keep up with change. So my idea is just to tread steadily and carefully, stress-free, and spend each day happily in 2019.

Photo: Instagram/@honghuifang


Photo: Instagram/@honghuifang

What about [husband] Zheng Geping? Any plans for 2019?
I'm producing an action series, The Good Fight, till April 2019.
I also hope to act in an action film in 2019.

Photo: Instagram/@honghuifang


How are you ringing in 2019?

Photo: Instagram/@jacelyn_tay

2019 is going to be year I live out a new life [she announced her divorce in Nov] and I am so looking forward to it. I am going to be spending New Year's Eve with close friends in Singapore and yes, with my son.

Photo: Instagram/@jacelyn_tay

What’s your new year's resolution? Any big plans for the year?
2019 is going to be very exciting. I am bringing my business [Body Inc] to the overseas market. I will be focusing my energy on business and spending quality time with loved ones. I also want to nourish my soul more by picking up hobbies again like wakeboarding, painting, visiting art galleries and watching plays.

Photo: Instagram/@jacelyn_tay


What's your greatest achievement in 2018?
To have sung the sub-theme song for my drama, Say Cheese. This time last year I had hoped to be involved in a musical or to showcase my singing, and being given the opportunity to sing the sub-theme song is one of those opportunities that has to be bestowed upon you, so I'm really thankful that my wish was somewhat granted.

Photo: Instagram/@joannepeh

How are you ringing in the new year? What's your New Year's resolution?
My word for 2019 is less. I feel that especially in the last couple of months, I'm perpetually in a fatigue mode. So I see that as a sign that I'm taking on too much. I have already embarked on a long term personal project to de-clutter, simplify my life and live with intention so tha's how I'm ringing in 2019. We are going to be in Tokyo Japan on New Year's eve. I have no idea what there is to do then but at least I know our family will be together huddled up in winter!

Photo: Instagram/@joannepeh

Any big plans for 2019?
The biggest thing on my plate so far for 2019 is my directorial debut. It's very exciting to be able to write and direct. It does feel like an undergrad FYP (final year project) but with resources and manpower support behind me. With that it means that I can then focus on what matters -- storytelling. I also hope to travel more and continue welcoming children into The Dimple Loft education programme.

Photo: Instagram/@joannepeh


Photo: Instagram/@katepang311

What's your greatest achievement in 2018?
I've kept every promise made to my kids, and never deceived them.

Photo: Instagram/@katepang311

How are you celebrating 2019 and any plans for the year?
I'll be ushering in 2019 in Taiwan with Avery - it's our mother-daughter trip.
In 2019, our platform [Kandie family] will be collaborating with two celebrities, and we have new videos lined up. I hope that they will resonate with audiences.

Photo: Instagram/@andiechen


What has been your greatest achievement in 2018?
Taking a year to explore options and educate myself about life. I have always been an actor and I am really proud I took time away from that secure life just to find out more about the world.

Photo: Instagram/@andiechen

How are you ringing in 2019?
I will be at the gym, happy that everyone else is pigging out, then I’ll put my kids to bed and be knocked out myself by 10pm. Lol.

Photo: Instagram/@andiechen

What’s your new year's resolution? Any big plans for the year?
To train and push my body and mindset to the limit. I want to get strong and hard, inside and out.

Photo: Instagram/@katepang311


What's your greatest achievement in 2019?
Helping out a relative in my hometown financially. He had fallen sick and needed to do a major surgery.

Photo: Instagram/@ian_ianization

How are you spending New Year's eve?
Probably lying on my sofa , my dog on my lap and with a can of beer.

Photo: Instagram/@ian_ianization

Any resolutions for 2019?
Health. With good health then we can achieve and fight for the goals that we all craving for.

Photo: Instagram/@ian_ianization

Felicia Chin

What's your greatest achievement in 2018?
Stepping out of my comfort zone and taking on roles that speak to my heart or challenge me. Acting in my first English drama serial for Channel 5, hosting my first travelogue trip, taking up roles that are not of the norm but I see them as roles that relate and can give strength to many who watch them ( the dramas will only be out in 2019) and embarking on my journey as World Vision Ambassador starting this year. I am glad that I have been challenged to step up and step out as an artiste and I did. So, it has been an awesome 2018.

Photo: Instagram/@iamfeliciachin

How are you ringing in the new year?
That's a good question, I don't know yet! But I'm definitely going to spend some quiet time reflecting on 2018 and being thankful for this year as well. Looking forward to 2019 and all of its possibilities and action! [Her boyfriend] Jeffrey (Xu) is busy filming in Malaysia, so I am not sure if he will be back for New Year's Eve. For myself, sorry to sound boring but I might be working or I'm going to spend some time just winding down and relaxing. We have worked hard for 2018, so just relax and embrace 2019 in good spirits!

Photo: Instagram/@jeffrey_xu

Any New Year resolutions or big plans for 2019?
My new year resolution is very simple- to be joyful and grateful each day and to be of a blessing to others. I hope to be able to contribute more to the roles I've been given and provide relief and value to people who watch my dramas. I will also be visiting children in Myanmar including a boy and a girl whom I've sponsored. I hope to share more about the circumstances of these children in Taikkyi in the Yangon region. Looking forward to a brand new year of new opportunities and learning curve for myself and the world around me.

Photo: Instagram/@iamfeliciachin


What's your greatest achievement in 2018?
It's unfathomable how I managed to overcome a huge workload this year.

Photo: Instagram/@denniszhouchongqing

How are you ringing in the new year? Any new year resolutions?
I'll be hosting a countdown show with Marcus Chin. For 2019, I want to achieve six-pack abs.

Photo: Instagram/@denniszhouchongqing


What is your greatest achievement in 2018?
The greatest achievement is staying positive despite the health challenge I faced and overcoming it .. and fulfilling my dream to write a story/script and directing it.

Photo: Instagram/@prisceliachan

How will you be ringing in 2019?
Countdown together with my family at home. Potluck. I will most probably just be preparing vegetables cos my mother in law is an awesome cook already.

Photo: Instagram/@prisceliachan

My new year resolution is to stay healthy and maintain self care when I am back at work. Hopefully I am able to successfully convey the message and help some people through my project, “Soul Connection”.

Photo: Instagram/@prisceliachan


What's your greatest achievement in 2018?
My greatest achievement in 2018 is on a personal level with (my daughter) Harper. She is going to be four years old in January and she has been able to swim quite confidently for the past six months.

Photo: Leon Jay Williams 

How will you be ushering in the new year?
My family and I will be in Taipei ringing in 2019 this year. I have some work events in between Christmas and New Year so I'm just able to make it for New Year’s Eve. But usually, we just stay home and watch the live Singapore and Taiwan countdowns on TV as Harper is too young to stay up and we have to be home to watch her.

Photo: Leon Jay Williams

Any New Year resolutions?
First, is to be able to move to a new place. Really looking forward to that. Second, I hope to receive better scripts for acting. Third, to spend more time getting fit. And lastly, more family holidays!

Photo: Leon Jay Williams


What's the best thing about 2018?
The best thing this year is probably my two babies. But no, the next one won't be so soon, maybe in another one or two years. Perhaps when my babies are older, we can try for another one. I will have to discuss with my wife. For 2019, I hope to have more overseas projects, collaborations and breakthroughs in my career.

Photo: Instagram/@shaunchenhongyu


What's the best thing about 2018?
It would be me winning my favourite award, the Best Actor [at Star Awards]. I've been working hard for a long time and this is the best gift in my 10 years in this industry.

Photo: Instagram/@thedesmondtan

Any new year resolutions?
To have a good work-life balance, at the same time, bringing good shows to my audience. [For the record, marriage is not on the cards.]

Photo: Instagram/@thedesmondtan


What's your greatest achievement for 2018?
I've been busy the whole of this year, so that's the happiest thing for me. I've been working non-stop, so I'm glad 2018 is coming to an end.

Photo: Instagram/@richard__low

Any grand plans for 2019?
I'll be acting in two dramas in 2019.

Photo: Instagram/@richard__low
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