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How your menstrual cycle affects your mental health

How your menstrual cycle affects your mental health
PHOTO: Pexels

Most of us feel a change in our mental and emotional state when we’re on our period or just before it arrives. Sometimes we’re moody and highly irritable, and at other times, we feel down and are snippy with others for no reason.

But then it all calms down and we’re on a natural high for a number of days. Our hormones that regulate our menstrual cycle are to blame for this rollercoaster of emotions. And they affect us in different ways during specific times of the month.

So the next time you find yourself crying at panda videos while tucking into a chocolate bar – yes, the whole bar – remember that it’s not something you have much control over as, unfortunately, your hormones are just doing what they’re meant to do.

Read on to find out how our hormones affect us during the four phases of our menstrual cycle.

In case you need a reminder: The average length of a menstrual cycle is 28 days. But it can be anywhere between 21 and 35 days – or even shorter or longer than that. To figure out how long your menstrual cycle is, count from the first day of your period to the day before your next period arrives.


Day 1 of your menstrual cycle is the day you get your period. While we’re having our period, our progesterone and oestrogen levels are low, which impact our mood. Low oestrogen is linked to low levels of serotonin, which gives us feelings of satisfaction.

Oestrogen also affects how our bodies produce endorphins, more commonly known as ‘feel-good’ chemicals in our brains. Therefore, it’s a no-brainer that we don’t usually feel as ‘good’ while we’re menstruating. Cramps and fatigue are common when we are on our period.

What you can do: Be aware of your emotions, and be gentle on yourself when you’re having your period. Stay away from people or situations that you know will worsen your mood. Do some light exercises to boost your blood circulation and your mood. And why not book some time for pampering too, such as a foot massage or a manicure?

The Follicular Phase

The first two phases of the menstrual cycle overlap slightly as this particular period (no pun intended) lasts between 10 and 14 days, stretching from the day your period starts till ovulation occurs.

Oestrogen levels rise once your period ends. This rise in oestrogen is linked to the thickening of the inner lining of your uterus, which is shed during a period. Your body also prepares to stimulate the production of eggs in your ovaries through the release of the follicle-stimulating hormone, or FSH.

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The high levels of oestrogen and testosterone and low levels of progesterone during this phase means you’re generally in a much better mood, thanks to the high serotonin and endorphin levels. It’s also the phase when you’ll have more energy, more confidence and feel mentally sharper too.

What you can do: Schedule brainstorming meetings or pitch your best ideas to your boss. The confidence boost also means this is the best time to apply for that job/promotion you’re eyeing or approach that cute guy you always check out during your coffee stop.


This is the shortest phase of your cycle, lasting around 24 hours. It’s when women are most fertile and their bodies prepare them for pregnancy. The pituitary gland in your brain releases a natural chemical called the luteinizing hormone (LH), which nudges your ovaries to release an egg into your fallopian tubes, in search of fertilisation.

This hormone is also responsible for a boost in your mood. Your body also releases more testosterone at this point, which increases your sex drive. Plus, a rise in oestrogen during this phase interacts with other hormones to increase your libido.

ALSO READ: How to boost your fertility when you're in your 30s

If you’re trying to get pregnant, you’ll know that the few days leading to ovulation (and the day itself) is your fertile window, so plan some steamy nights with your man as you both get into baby-making mode.

In addition, your high sex drive at this point might make you more likely to shop for clothes or makeup so it’s the right time to look for a new sexy outfit. (Just ensure you don’t overwork your credit card every month.)

The Luteal Phase

This phase lasts around 14 days, and it’s about four to 10 days before your next period arrives that you’re most likely to experience premenstrual syndrome – more commonly known as the annoying PMS.

Around 75per cent of women suffer from PMS. The hormonal fluctuations – especially a rise in progesterone after ovulation – in your body results in common symptoms such as mood swings, irritability, sadness, fatigue, anxiety and even anger. Some women feel overwhelmed and have difficulty concentrating.


Physically, you’re likely to experience headaches, bloating and breast tenderness. And, if you’re stressed, overweight or sedentary, you’re likely to get more severe symptoms. Thankfully, those PMS symptoms go away when your period starts.

While these symptoms are mild to moderate for the majority of women, some suffer a lot more. These women have premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), a more severe form of PMS which can be serious enough to affect their relationships or job. This is when it’s important to see a doctor for treatment.

What you can do: Alleviate your PMS by getting good sleep, reducing your consumption of caffeinated beverages and doing soothing things such as deep breathing, yoga or getting a massage.

After years of going through PMS, you’ll become familiar with your symptoms (although they may change over time) so pay attention to your body’s signals and react accordingly. For example, you might want to carry painkillers if you’re prone to PMS headaches, and avoid scheduling important meetings if you always feel sluggish before your period arrives.

This article was first published in Her World Online.

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