Man lives every father's worst nightmare on Father's Day after son rushed to hospital

June 21, was Father’s Day and every dad would want to spend that day with their child, lazing, relaxing, and having fun spending some quality time as a family. With the day falling on a Sunday this year, a lot of dads did think they could actually make this happen with some backyard fun and games.
As fun as that may sound, sometimes things take a turn for the worse when you least expect it. For Redditor Awaiting_Activation, this Father’s Day brought upon his worst nightmare when he had to rush his son to the hospital.
In fact, the Reddit user’s story is a reminder about why child safety at home needs to be taken seriously.
The Reddit user in his post wrote, “My daughter was on our trampoline and my son was standing on the outside patiently waiting to go on with her. I was cleaning up the BBQ and I hear her say, 'One more flip and you can come on.'
As far as intuitions go, fathers have a strong one and this dadtoo had a feeling that something was about to go wrong.
The user wrote, “I had a weird feeling for a split second that he’s going to get hurt. I heard a loud pop and sure enough, one of the springs somehow got loose and shot out of its slot.”
The victim turned out to be the son standing on the sidelines. “His whole middle finger looked like it got split in half,” the dad wrote. “There was a cut on top and the nail was cracked all the way down. Blood everywhere. Panic mode,” he added.
Living his worst nightmare, the dad and wife rushed their son to the hospital.
To make things worse, the poor dad went on a guilt trip. He wrote, “I’m having an immense amount of guilt and regret as we were supposed to order a new mat to protect the springs. Our old one broke, the first one we ordered didn’t fit, and the task sat around for a few weeks.
On top of that, I have a mother who’s a narcissist and did the whole 'I told you, I’m right, you be ashamed of yourself' [sic]. So I’m feeling pretty lousy,” the dad said.
He further added that the toddler was handling the situation like a big boy. “I’m proud of my boy. He’s a very strong-willed kid and beats to his own drum. He’s been very brave and well behaved and is handling it like a champ.”
Other Reddit users also shared their experiences about child safety at home.
One user wrote, “The night before my birthday we went to the ER with a two-and-a-half-year-old for a possible crushed toe. He had grabbed a rubber mallet and started hitting things. Dad took it and decided to show him what it could do to some dirt clumps and right as my husband swung, our toddler kicked the dirt clump.
"The toddler got three x-rays, no broken bones, no dislocations just a split on the bottom that needed a bandaid. The doctor explained it nicer but basically, the toe popped liked if you squeezed a grape.”
Another user described his experience: “We were having a fun bowling night when I walked away for 20 seconds and turned around to see my almost-three-year-old trip and fall with a bowling ball in his hands.
"His hand landed right on the step-up so that his pinky finger got smashed. Split his finger wide open. A broken bone, eight stitches, etc. I still feel guilty about it sometimes. I should have made it more clear he needed to wait for help.”
Most Redditors showed support for the father and asked him not to feel guilty about the whole situation.
One user commented, “I hope your kid’s okay, man. Sh*t like this happens, and I know it’s hard to not think “If I’d only done” (and there’s always low hanging fruit for a******s to throw if they want to). I hope you forgive yourself; it’s Fathers Day, and you do your best.”
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Another Redditor was rather blunt when he commented, “Accidents happen when you have kids. Don’t beat yourself up over it.”
The Reddit user later updated his post to clarify that his son had a fracture and damaged nail bed and the child was going to be okay. More importantly, it helped the dad that he chose to vent about the whole situation with a supportive group who managed to give some good advice.
To quote a Redditor again, “accidents happen when you have kids.” However, as parents, you can create an environment that will minimise the possibility of them getting hurt. Here’s how you can childproof your home and minimise risking your child’s safety.
ALSO READ: Leaving kids alone at home: When is the right age?
Be it the swimming pool or the bathtub, do not risk leaving your child alone. Kids can accidentally drown in a matter of seconds while your phone distracts you. It’s not worth the risk.
Kids like to explore and don’t understand how it can endanger their lives. That’s why make sure to keep all chemicals and solutions out of your child’s reach. Even for cabinets and drawers that aren't accessible to children, it’s wise to add a child lock to avoid any mishaps.
This is essential for smaller kids who sleep in a crib. Soft toys, blankets and pillows can potentially suffocate a child and should never be inside the crib with them. At the same time, place the crib in the house at a place where there are no cupboards or shelves that can potentially fall over the child.
Sockets and switches should be higher than usual on the wall when you have kids at home. You never know when your little detective decides to investigate what that is. This also extends to devices with cables that can be a choking hazard. A little bit of preparation will ensure you avoid such accidents.
Be it toys, coins or even dice, anything that’s small and cute is a potential food option for your child and a choking scare. It may lodge in their throat or damage their stomach.
It may be equally difficult to get the object out and a visit to the hospital may be necessary. As a principle, keep all small items off-limits around the house at least for the first couple of years.
This article was first published in theAsianparent.