Must watch: Husband runs around frantically after wife's water breaks during Man United match

When the football rival teams Manchester United and Liverpool went up against each other at a recent match, it wasn’t a surprise that all their fans tuned in.
But when a Singaporean man found out that his wife’s water broke during the game, he was left disoriented and confused over what to do.
Incidentally, the entire incident was captured on a closed circuit television (CCTV) camera in the couple’s home.
The footage of the man running around while his wife was going into labour was recently posted online on her Instagram account.
The expecting couple Nash and Rifdi were simply enjoying their night, watching the match between Manchester United and Liverpool.
About 15 minutes into the game, Nash was surprised to find that her water broke. But when she informed her husband, he didn’t believe her right away.
“I was laughing when [the water] broke and my husband thought I was joking until I showed him the puddle of water on the sofa,” she told Mothership.
When Rifdi finally came to the realisation that her water did break, he began to freak out, as seen in the CCTV footage.
Still clad in his Manchester United jersey, Rifdi was captured running around the house to get everything they needed at the time. All the while, he still managed to steal a quick glance at the ongoing match on their TV screen.
He was so disoriented that Nash had to remind him to bring her wallet, NRIC and appointment cards before they left home. They arrived at the hospital at around 12.30am on Oct 25.
Their baby was safely born later that day at 3.02pm. Both mother and baby are reported to be doing fine. Nash even shared later that she had a normal birth with no epidural or stitches.
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Rifdi and Nash are both Man United fans. While Rifdi has been a fan for 19 years, Nash has enjoyed watching football since her childhood.
The new mum also said she always watches with her husband whenever there's a match with Man United playing.
As their favourite team lost 5-0 to Liverpool that night, Nash reveals she’s relieved they missed the rest of the game. She shares, “Glad we didn’t finish the game, my husband would have cried at home for the game instead of at the labour ward.”
Nash also told Mothership that both of them hope their baby will be a Man U fan as well.
While we know how overwhelming the excitement is when you’re about to give birth, don’t forget to stay calm when you go into labour.
If you start having contractions while at home, here are a few things you should keep in mind before you get to the hospital:
This article was first published in theAsianparent.