Money Talks: The 30-year-old creative director who spent $2,625 on Christmas gifts

Ever wondered what your salary and shopping habits are like in comparison to your peers? Money Talks is a new column by CLEO that takes an honest look at how young Millennial and Gen Z women spend their money.
In today's column, we speak to a 30-year old creative director who went over budget with her spending over the Christmas season.
Occupation: Creative Director
Industry: Media
Age: 30
Education level: High School Diploma
Salary: Around $10,000 - $12,000 per month
Rent: $3,200
Utilities: $350
Groceries: $600
Phone Bill: $100 (For two people)
Entertainment: $100 (Netflix, Spotify, Disney+)
Allowance for Parents: $3,000 (Both her parents are retired and she covers their bills)
How much she thinks she spends: About $200 - $800
How much she actually spent: $2,624.98
"My beauty items are my most costly items when it comes to shopping. My creams and potions generally retail between $100 - $500, and a laser treatment package that I recently bought which was just under $3,000.
Clothing and accessories are where I get savvy-I tend to only shop during sales for my basics and I only buy second hand for my designer options. On average I would say I spend about $50 - $200 on basics or about $500 - $1,200 on pre-loved designer items (bags and shoes my main weakness).
\Recently, I placed upon myself a personal goal of becoming a "conscious shopper", so I try to be mindful about reducing my consumer habits that negatively affect the planet.
In general, I definitely spend a lot less than I used to on clothes and fast-fashion in particular. I now choose to make more dedicated choices and would rather spend on one quality item rather than a number of items.
I have this habit of "online window shopping" and putting everything into my wish lists, so it's definitely a form of weekend therapy for me.
However, I wait till those items go on sale before I hit the check-out button, but that can be a huge bummer as by the time that happens, I tend to miss out on pieces that I really love due to them selling out. Beauty shopping is solely whenever I need to re-stock-it really is my most expensive habit!"
"I'm a mixed bag when it comes to money. I would describe myself as frugal in terms of every-day living, but then for a big-ticket item I deem worthy, I could drop a large sum of money and not think twice about it.
However, I will always ensure that I put money aside first into my savings, and then whatever is left in my "main wallet" account, I'm ok to spend as long as it feels justified.
While I do feel that overall I do have a good relationship with money, I still feel a bit behind in terms of monetary security for later in life. While I'm good at saving, I don't own any long-term investments.
Although having said that, I don't have any debt to my name which I think is a fairly great achievement too. My latest goal is to become a home-owner and start putting additional money aside to start a family.
When I consider these two items, I feel like I should be doing more to earn more and provide greater security for myself and future family."
"I was always raised on the principle of putting money aside for "rainy days" and I have always been a good saver in general. On average I save at least 20 - 30 per cent of my income.
My savings have taken a few big hits over the years though, dipping into it for big-ticket costs such a medical expenses and holidays. More recently, my partner and I used our savings to pay for our wedding. So truthfully, it's looking pretty dismal now, compared to recent years.
There are days where I regret my spending habits and feel that I should definitely tap in less into my savings. In hindsight, perhaps an $8,000 trip to Japan could have been spent more wisely and I shouldn't have used such a large amount of money for a holiday.
But then again, life is short and what's the point in working hard for the money you might never get to spend. I've witnessed friends pass away young, so I truly believe it."
Day 2: Received an email coupon for free shipping on the Smallables website. Bought some new bed linen and home ware items that were on sale. I try to avoid this online store though because I LOVE EVERYTHING IN IT!
Spent: $528.62 + $1.51 conversion fee
Day 5: While doing some grocery shopping, I decided to browse through Zara's sale rack since they stuck up red sale signs all over their windows. Restocked on some basic tees and jeans from the Conscious line. Could have done more damage, but i try to avoid spending too much money at fast-fashion stores so thumbs up to a better me!
Spent: $117.20
Day 8: Black/Gold members early Sephora Sale Preview. Restocked on my face cleanser, face oil and gift for the mother-in-law. A few days later, received an email that upgraded my Black status to Gold. I felt so much shame on my ridiculous beauty spending habits.
Spent: $392.61
Day 10: Noticed Jumanji 2 was out and bought two gold class tickets to go watch it the next evening with the husband. Considered it a worthy spend since it had been a busy few weeks and I hadn't spent much time with him.
Spent: $85.50
Day 11: Another email prompt, this time from Anthropologie. Decide to check if any of my wishlist items are on sale. Three items on the list are on sale, oops!
Spent: $133.70 + $3.74 conversion fee
Day 13: A work colleague sends me a WhatsApp invite to a Hugo Boss sample sale. We decide to take our lunch break off to check out the sale in town. Bought an item for myself and a few gifts for the husband, brother-in-law and father-in-law. I mean its Christmas, so, of course, gifts were needed.
Spent: $663.60
Day 17: Friend's Secret Santa present is due soon. Rushed out to find a gift at the mall. Managed to buy the gift and go straight home. *Pats self on back*
Spent: $78
Day 18: I was entertaining at home, so I decided to jump online and order some fresh flowers to be delivered to the house. A bit of an impulse buy, but the house smells lovely though.
Spent: $49
Day 23: Had to go last-minute gift shopping for my niece, nephew, parents, brother, and sister-in-law. Luckily a lot of stores are on sale so I hunt around for bargains in every shop I enter. The whole day disappears and I spend the evening wrapping gifts.
Spent: $571.50
This article was published in CLEO Singapore.