Take that, sucker! Seal slaps kayaker with octopus

WELLINGTON - Remarkable footage of the moment a New Zealand fur seal slaps a stunned kayaker in the face with an octopus has gone viral.
Mr Kyle Mulinder was paddling off the South Island town of Kaikoura over the weekend when he inadvertently became entangled in a battle between a bull seal and the octopus it wanted for lunch.
As the seal tried to finish off the unfortunate cephalopod, shaking its jaws vigorously, Mr Mulinder copped an eight-legged slap in the face.
Mulinder's companion Taiyo Masuda caught the entire incident on a GoPro camera.
"One seal swims right next to us, having an octopus in his mouth, pops right up of the surface next to us, then tries to chew up the leg but ended up slapping our face!!" Mr Masuda told AFP.
The video shows Mr Mulinder yelling, "There's an octopus on my boat," with Mr Masuda responding, "no way, that was mental!"
Kaikoura is the site of a large colony of New Zealand fur seals.