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How to set up a home gym in your HDB flat? (Tips and other considerations)

How to set up a home gym in your HDB flat? (Tips and other considerations)
PHOTO: Unsplash

Sometimes, keeping fit isn't the easiest, especially with the daily hassle of, you know, life getting in the way.

But that doesn't mean you need to let go of your fitness goals altogether. There's a clever solution right within the cosy confines of your HDB flat — setting up your very own home gym!

If you're curious about what that involves and other factors to consider, keep reading. First things first:

Do you need a home gym in your HDB flat?

For those of you who are still walking the fence about getting a home gym, here's a list of pros and cons you might not have considered to help you come to a sound decision:


  • Time-saving: You can enjoy access to your home gym whenever you want, eliminating the need for commuting or waiting for equipment.
  • Cost-effective: Initial setup costs can be recovered over time by avoiding gym membership fees.
  • Flexibility: You will gain control over your workout environment, schedule, and routines without external distractions.
  • Convenient: Work out at any time that suits you, seamlessly integrating exercise into your daily routine.
  • It's personalised: Customise your gym to match your preferences, from equipment choices to music selection.


  • Requires self-discipline: Lack of external motivation may pose challenges for some individuals in maintaining consistency with their workouts.
  • Space and financial investment: Upfront costs for equipment and the need for sufficient space in your home can be limiting factors.
  • Safety concerns: Lifting heavy weights alone at home without a spotter can be risky.
  • Limited social interaction: If the pandemic taught us anything it's that some of us thrive in social environments. The absence of it and the competitive atmosphere typically found in gym settings can be tricky for some.
  • Distractions: Home turf comes with its circus of considerations — from Netflix temptations to domestic duties, it could pose a battle for focus.

Tips for creating a home gym in an HDB flat

Consider your space

When planning your home gym, take into account the available space.

Think about the size of the room, the height of the ceiling, and the ventilation to ensure that there's enough room for the equipment you intend to use.

Whether you're utilising a spare room, balcony, or a designated spot in your living room, aim for a space that lets you spread your fitness wings without feeling like a sardine in a can.

And don't forget to look up — a ceiling height of around 2.4 metres will ensure you can jump, stretch, and reach for your fitness goals without any bumps on the head!

Set a clear budget (and follow through)

Decide on your budget for gym gear, flooring, mirrors, and any extra bells and whistles you fancy. Having a budget will steer you clear of overspending and keep your wallet happy.

Remember to take a moment to ponder your fitness goals - do you want to build more muscle mass? Lose weight? Or are you training for something, say a marathon? Make sure to have these goals set in place before diving into researching equipment prices.

Next, hunt for bargains, sales, and maybe even second-hand items. If you're not sure where to start, opt for versatile gears that pull double duty. This will give you more bang for your buck and ensure your investment goes the distance.

Get your equipment

Fitness goal: Strength

When bulking up is the name of the game, your gym arsenal should include essentials like:

  • Weight plates with grips: Used with an Olympic bar for exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses.
  • Olympic bar: A high-quality barbell for various lifts, made from durable steel.
  • Squat stand: Provides support for squats and other exercises, constructed with sturdy steel.
  • Flat utility weight bench: A bench for bench pressing and other exercises, adding versatility to the setup.

If you're keen on serious weightlifting or buying heavy equipment, keep in mind the maximum floor loading capacity for HDB flats is 150 kg/m2.

Fitness goal: Endurance

If your sights are set on improving endurance, your equipment lineup should include:

  • Treadmill: A durable treadmill suitable for running and other cardio workouts.
  • Manual treadmill: A non-motorised treadmill that mimics outdoor running, ideal for high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
  • Bikes: Recumbent and upright bikes with various features for cardiovascular workouts.

Fitness goal: Flexibility and balance

For those aiming to enhance flexibility, toning, and overall mobility, incorporate equipment like:

  • Yoga mat: A cushy surface to protect your joints during floor-based yoga or Pilates poses and stretches.
  • Stability ball: Also known as an exercise or Swiss ball, they help engage your core muscles for exercises like crunches, planks, and bridges.
  • Resistance bands: Used for a wide range of exercises, including strength training, toning, stretching, and rehabilitation.

Where to get the best fitness equipment in Singapore?

Looking to equip your home gym in Singapore? Here are some top spots to score the best fitness gear:


Whether you're just starting or a seasoned fitness buff, Gymsportz has got you covered.

They offer a diverse range of equipment to suit different needs and budgets. From simple setups for beginners to more elaborate configurations for serious enthusiasts, these guys have something for everyone.


Known for its extensive range of sports equipment, Decathlon is a popular choice among fitness enthusiasts.

They offer a wide selection of affordable gear, including everything from weights and cardio machines to yoga mats and resistance bands. With the convenience of online shopping and delivery services, this store makes it easy to set up your home gym without breaking the bank.


For those looking for premium and advanced equipment options, HomeGym is the place to go.

Specialising in home gym setups, they offer a curated selection of high-quality gear designed for serious fitness enthusiasts. Whether you're in the market for a state-of-the-art treadmill or a versatile all-in-one gym system, HomeGym has the equipment you need to take your workouts to the next level.

ALSO READ: Is 2024 the right time to buy your first HDB flat?

This article was first published in

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