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Cutting Through the Network Fog: Allot Unveils Solutions for Enhanced Visibility and Control

Cutting Through the Network Fog: Allot Unveils Solutions for Enhanced Visibility and Control.

The year 2023 has been a whirlwind for IT security. Ransomware attacks continue to rise, hybrid and multi-cloud environments are becoming increasingly complex, and the ever-expanding attack surface is leaving many organizations feeling like they're flying blind. But fear not, network visibility in 2024 is poised to offer a much-needed ray of clarity.

Gone are the days of siloed network monitoring and reactive threat detection. In 2024, network visibility will evolve into a holistic, proactive, and AI-driven endeavor. Imagine a world where you can see every device, every packet, and every anomaly across your entire network, regardless of location or complexity. This level of transparency will be game-changing for cybersecurity.

So, what are the key trends shaping network visibility in 2024?

1. Embracing the Cloud: Cloud-based network visibility solutions will gain significant traction. These solutions offer scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, making them ideal for organizations of all sizes. Imagine a single pane of glass that provides real-time insights into your on-premises, cloud, and hybrid network activity, eliminating the need for disparate tools and manual data consolidation.

Example: A healthcare organization uses a cloud-based network visibility platform to monitor its vast network of hospitals, clinics, and administrative offices. The platform detects unusual east-west traffic within one of its hospitals, indicating a potential insider threat. Security teams can quickly investigate and identify the compromised device, preventing a potential data breach.

2. AI and Machine Learning (ML) Take the Helm: AI and ML will play a critical role in analyzing the vast amount of data generated by today's networks. These technologies can identify subtle anomalies, automate threat detection, and predict future security incidents. Imagine AI algorithms sifting through network logs, identifying malicious patterns, and automatically triggering alerts before attackers can do any damage.

Example: A financial institution uses an AI-powered network visibility solution to monitor its network for signs of malware. The AI detects a previously unknown zero-day attack attempting to exploit a vulnerability in its trading platform. The AI automatically triggers countermeasures, stopping the attack in its tracks and preventing millions of dollars in potential losses.

3. The Rise of Distributed Tracing: As microservices architectures and containerization become more prevalent, understanding how transactions flow across distributed systems will be crucial. Distributed tracing will provide in-depth visibility into individual requests, making it easier to pinpoint performance bottlenecks and diagnose application issues. Imagine tracing a customer's online banking transaction across multiple microservices, identifying the exact service causing a delay and resolving the issue quickly.

Example: An e-commerce platform uses distributed tracing to troubleshoot a sudden spike in abandoned carts. The tracing reveals that a slow API call in the payment gateway is causing the delay. Developers can quickly fix the API issue, leading to a smoother checkout experience and increased sales.

4. Focus on User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA): Traditional security solutions often focus on network anomalies, but neglecting user behavior can leave blind spots. UEBA will gain prominence in 2024, providing valuable insights into user activity and identifying suspicious behavior that might otherwise go unnoticed. Imagine detecting an employee accessing unauthorized data or unusual activity from a compromised executive account, even if the network itself appears normal.

Example: A manufacturing company uses UEBA to monitor employee access to sensitive production data. The system detects an authorized employee attempting to download a large amount of confidential schematics outside of regular working hours. Security teams can investigate and potentially prevent industrial espionage.

5. Embracing Automation: In an era of cyberattacks happening at lightning speed, manual security processes are becoming obsolete. Automation will be key in 2024, with solutions automatically responding to threats, remediating incidents, and even deploying security patches without human intervention. Imagine an attack being automatically contained before it spreads, minimizing damage and freeing up security personnel to focus on more strategic tasks.

Example: A hospital network uses an automated incident response platform. When a ransomware attack is detected, the platform automatically isolates the infected devices, rolls back affected systems to clean backups, and notifies security teams. This rapid response prevents the attack from disrupting critical patient care services.

The Future of Network Visibility:

As we move into 2024, network visibility will no longer be a luxury, but a necessity. By embracing the trends mentioned above, organizations can achieve unprecedented levels of clarity and control over their networks, proactively mitigating threats, improving performance, and ensuring the security of their critical data and assets. With the right tools and strategies, 2024 can be the year we finally emerge from the network fog and gain a clear view of our digital landscape.

Contact Info:
Name: Seth
Email: Send Email
Organization: Allot LTD
Address: 22 Hanagar HOD HASHARON, Israel
Phone: +972 3 6005777

Release ID: 89117533

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