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Wuhan daughter shares heartbreaking tribute after mum dies from virus on CNY

Wuhan daughter shares heartbreaking tribute after mum dies from virus on CNY
And the loving dad never left his wife's side, even though she was infected.
PHOTO: Weibo/空白·__ 

"The people we love will never leave us".

We see them in the things we do, like they have always been if they were still alive. It feels surreal as though they had never left, and that special place in our hearts will always be kept for them.

Such was the case for a female Wuhan resident (unnamed) and her family, after her mother passed away from the deadly coronavirus infection on 25 January, 2020. This led the daughter to share a heartbreaking tribute on familial love, as reported by iFeng News.


All she wanted was to be reunited with her family on Chinese New Year.

It had been a tumultuous time for the family ever since her mother was infected by the coronavirus on January 17, 2020, after a lung surgery.

Following the incident, the family made a "difficult decision" to have their father care for their mother at the hospital.

"A loving husband who never left her mother's side," was how the daughter spoke of her father.

Their father was eventually diagnosed with the virus shortly after caring for their mother, in isolation from her brother and her.

She travels 2 hours every day to pass medicine to her father.

On the night of 24 January 2020, she drove to Hankou to get medicine for her father before the city-wide lockdown from the virus.

Thankfully, she made it just before midnight, in time for the Year of the Rat, even having a positive outlook towards their family's situation.

She even wished her brother 'Happy New Year' over the phone. Medicine? Checked. She also told her brother that the year "wasn't going to be that bad" and that their family would be reunited soon.

Except, it wasn't when tragedy struck their family on the first day of the Chinese New Year on 25 January, 2020.


The certificate issued stated respiratory failure as the cause of death of their mother.

According to reports, their mother did not visit the Wuhan Huanan Seafood Market where the virus was first suspected to appear.

She was told by her dad that her mother "might not make it".

Refusing to give up on her mother, she "begged the hospital staff to save her mother", no matter the cost.

"I can give up all I have. I don't care how much money it will cost. Please save my mum with the best medicine & equipment. I can't be without her."

She also remains hopeful and tells her father to "have faith" in their mum.

"She will make it. Mum has always been strong, have faith in her."

Her brother, however, was kept unaware of their mother's "worsening condition". According to their father, their mother's "organs were failing" and had to be given "emergency treatment".

When it was finally confirmed by doctors over the phone that their mum had passed away, it was difficult news to break to her brother who "loved their mother very much".

"We don't have our Mum anymore," she told her brother who was in a 3-day queue at the hospital after being suspected of contracting the virus as well.


Their mum was placed in a body bag, and moved to the morgue.

However, they were not allowed into the premise that was said to be "full". The funeral parlour requested for their permission to handle the body instead.

And all the siblings could do was to send their mother off in front of the car she was transported in, as they kneeled down to bid their final farewell - they did so despite their father's concerns.

Following their mother's death, it was said that their father refused to let their kids get close for fear of transmission and would reprimand them if they did so.

Their father also allowed the brother to safeguard important documents: codes to their debit cards, phone lines and insurance plans.


Physically apart, but not in their hearts.

Their father sent long voice messages which touched their hearts and left them in tears.

The last thing the daughter said she wants is for their father to hold himself responsible over their mother's passing.

And even though her mother has left, she said that she "continues to see her mother in everything that she does".

While her mother lives on in her memories, it is still the simplest moments spent together as a family that tug at her heartstrings most.

For the latest updates on the Wuhan virus, visit here.

This article was first published in theAsianparent.

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