Estimated size of PlayStation 5 calculated, and it's Sony's biggest console ever

Even though the Sony PlayStation 5 (PS5) was revealed earlier this month, Sony has yet to officially announce the dimensions of the PS5 console. However, a released factory photo we stumbled across may have finally given us our first looks at the new console and how big it actually is.
With such huge upgrades in the hardware, many have speculated that the console will definitely be bigger than past models, and perhaps even too large to fit comfortably within their homes, but a photo posted by @PS5only seems to show us otherwise.
The size of the unit certainly looks reasonable, with the factory staff being able to comfortably lift it within his arms. While it certainly is bigger than its predecessors, at least its size isn’t an overkill.
That being said, the internet is a big place and some fans are unconvinced of the credibility of this photo. This has led to some hilarious edits, with fans posting “real” photos of the PS5.
This is the real photo
— MindWind (@itsmindwind) June 19, 2020
Moreover, by using the disk slot and USB as a reference, we have estimated that the PS5 is the largest console, dwarfing even the PS3.
In response to a question on LinkedIn about the new console being bigger and bulkier; Matt MacLaurin, VP of UX Design at PlayStation, had replied, “Thermals. This gen is little supercomputers. While the 7nm process delivers amazing heat performance for the power, the power is very extreme.”
This article was first published in Geek Culture.