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This hospital uses Resident Evil's Umbrella Corp logo for their Covid-19 folder

This hospital uses Resident Evil's Umbrella Corp logo for their Covid-19 folder
Resident Evil.
PHOTO: Capcom

"Laughter is the best medicine", so said a toga-wearing scholar a certain number of centuries ago. But you've got to hand it to him - it's a pretty useful saying.

And in the wake of the coronavirus trampling on everyone's travel plans, it seems there's a hospital out there that's found a very amusing way to label the Covid-19-related files in their computer system.

Apparently, the IT department of this hospital, which has declined to be named, decided to use the Umbrella Corp logo for the folder as a joke - you know, that one organisation from Capcom's beloved zombie franchise Resident Evil?

For the uninitiated, the evil Umbrella Corporation are the ones behind the T-virus in Resident Evil, which turns infected individuals into zombies or some horribly mutated variation of that.

So, as the story goes, one of the nurses uploaded it on Reddit, and of course, it went viral. According to that same nurse, many of the hospital staff understood the reference as well, which must have made for great amusement in the break rooms.

Indeed, such jabs are good to have in our back pocket in such stressful times, and the brave medical staff on the frontline need them most of all - a little pick-me-up can often go a long way.

For the latest updates on the coronavirus, visit here.

This article was first published in Hardware Zone.

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