Malaysian Twitter users came together to help man who ruined wife's new white blouse in the wash

You know how mum always says to separate the whites from colours. Seems like this guy missed the memo.
A Malaysian man by the name of Adli Amirullah (@AdliAmirullah) was in dire need of help after he ruined his wife's white laundry in the wash — he had tossed in a red shirt.
What was once a spotless white blouse had since been dyed in unsightly hues of pink.
His desperate call for help went out on Twitter on Wednesday (Oct 29) when he discovered the state of his wife's blouse, with a caption that reads: "Guys, I need help. I accidentally washed my wife's new white blouse with his new red's blouse. And now the white blouse became pink! I have not told her this yet. Trying to solve first. HELP"
The sad part is, she told me yesterday she purposely bought a new white blouse because she does not has one in her closet ???????
— Adli Amirullah (@AdliAmirullah) October 29, 2019
Should I just hide this one and buy the same one from the store today??????
Things got even direr the more he tweeted about the situation. His wife had specifically bought a new white blouse because she didn’t have one in her closet. She even sent him a message asking him about the new blouse as she couldn’t find it.
— Adli Amirullah (@AdliAmirullah) October 29, 2019
Following the tweet, netizens went on to give suggestions as to how Adli could still rectify the issue.
Determined to fix the issue, he decided to heed the most popular advice: soaking the stained blouse in a mixture of Clorox and soap.
After giving it a good wash, he found that the colour did not budge at all.
Even so, the netizens continued to suggest what he should have done in the first place. Some recommended a different solution of removing the pink stain while several others gave him tips on how he should do the laundry.
Others had pointed out that he would have solved this issue easily by buying his wife a brand new blouse. Along with some romantic gestures to appease her.
Having given up on clearing the stains, Adli went on a wild hunt at a mall in a bid to replace the blouse without raising any suspicions. Thankfully, he managed to find the white blouse, which was apparently the last one in stock.
The baju tag was "Polly collections". Ingatkan from padini so I tawaf2 tak jumpa2. Then literally jalan laju2 whole mall to scan shop then terlalu satu random booth jual baju sekali cari jumpa! This is the last one!!! Thank god ????
— Adli Amirullah (@AdliAmirullah) October 29, 2019
In the end, he came clean with his wife about the shenanigans. She was fine with everything — except for the fact that he went to the mall without her.
RIP former-white blouse.
— Adli Amirullah (@AdliAmirullah) October 29, 2019
(28/10/19 3pm - 28/10/19 11pm)