Just like a shadowy ninja in the night, Sony has sneakily launched the official homepage of the PlayStation 5 on the PlayStation website, likely in preparation for a reveal sometime soon. With the PS5 launching by the end of 2020, the timing seems just about right.
First discovered on Reddit, both the UK and the German versions of the page are now live, and allows users to register their interest in getting all PS5 news direct via email.
"We've begun to share some of the incredible features you can expect from PlayStation 5," the PlayStation site stated, "but we're not quite ready to fully unveil the next generation of PlayStation. Sign up below to be among the first to receive updates as we announce them, including news on the PS5 release date, PS5 price and the upcoming roster of PS5 launch games."
Although no other important information was shared, such additions to the marketing cycle have to be a calculated move by Sony, and it further fans the flames of a potential announcement/reveal coming real soon for the PlayStation 5.
In other news, Sony has stated in an earnings call that pricing for the console will likely depend on many factors, including that of the competition.
This article was first published in Geek Culture.