Thai woman sets up Instagram page just to remember where she last parked her car

Here’s an issue any motorist would be familiar with: remembering where you parked your vehicle. It gets trickier if your car doesn’t look particularly striking in massive carparks.
One fix is by utilising this life hack — extend the range of your car alarm remote by holding the key fob to your head. Or if you’re like this Thai woman named Rodguyunhai, you could always start an Instagram page that’s solely used to post pictures of where you parked your car.
She’s entirely serious about the page, appropriately named @whereismycarrrrrrrr. Since July 18, 2017, the page has been filled with pictures of parking lot numbers in various mall carparks in Bangkok, including Central Plaza, Siam Paragon, and MBK Center.
She could, of course, just take pictures of the parking lots and store it on her phone, but (a) that would probably take up a lot of memory space, and (b) where’s the fun in that?
She does break up the monotony of parking lot pictures once in a while by posting pictures of train tickets and platforms when she decides to commute by public transport instead of driving. Bangkok traffic jams are among the world’s worst, after all.
Despite being a page filled with bleak no-filter images of parking lot numbers, Rodguyunhai managed to garner nearly a thousand followers on Instagram. Perhaps the issue’s just way too relatable.