Their kids aren't interested in a day trip, so Australian parents take their internet router out instead

Wanting to spend a warm, sunny day with their three kids, a couple invited them out for a short trip to a beach town in Warrnambool in Victoria, Australia.
Understandably, since the destination would consist of them being in a dangerous place known as the outdoors, the kids weren’t too keen on the plan. According to Australian mum Cassie Langan, her kids simply responded: “that’s so boring, I don’t want to go”.
Partly as a lark, and partly as an act of petty revenge, the parents took someone else out to the beach with them. That someone, or something, was apparently their “most overworked family member” who deserved a day out.
Which was, of course, their wireless router. The D-Link AC750 Dual-Band VDSL/ADSL2+ Wireless Router, if we're being precise.
Untethered by cables and freed of internet connectivity duties, the little black router had a grand ol’ time at Warrnambool’s gorgeous beach, checking out the ocean, frolicking at the playground, and even chasing after seagulls.
The lad even enjoyed a meal or two.
After a day well spent, the router watched the sun go down and arrived home to crack open a cold can of Tooheys beer.
“Modem had a fantastic day not being used by the kids and it was lovely not to listen to constant bickering,” wrote Cassie, whose post has since resonated with tens of thousands of netizens worldwide. It's likely that her kids didn't have much fun staying at home with no Wi-Fi connection available.