Maxi Lim spends $75k transforming HDB balance flat to 'speakeasy' home

Two years after becoming a father, Ah Boys To Men actor Maxi Lim has reached another milestone in life.
In the latest episode of Just Swipe Lah, the 35-year-old unveiled his newly-renovated four-room flat that's inspired by old HDB flats and speakeasy bars that he and his wife Lizy Teo, 27, used to visit while they were dating.
Although he declined to reveal how much they spent on the new five-year-old flat, he told 8Days that the retro-themed renovations for their home came up to about $75,000.
According to the report, Maxi's friend told the couple that the unit was available for sale under HDB's Sale of Balance Flat (SBF) scheme.
Located on a high floor and near his parents' home, Maxi said it was "very apparent" that he should buy the flat. It turns out, Lady Luck was also on his side and he ended up being the first in the ballot queue.
He chose an old-school sliding scissor gate for the main entrance and a door resembling an old bank vault hides the entrance to the home shelter. Even the Chesterfield sofa in Maxi's living room is inspired by British colonial black and white houses from the 1940s to 1960s.
When asked by Just Swipe Lah host Seow Sin Nee on why he has a penchant for such nostalgic decor, Maxi said: "Actually I don't know either. In fact the first time my parents came, they got a shock!"
He later explained: "It has a really retro vibe, so everything slows down, you will feel like lying on the sofa when you come."
Other interesting elements in Maxi's new crib include a bright orange refrigerator and red poster in the kitchen — specially included as a contrast to the dark industrial colours used for the rest of the space.
What's even more unique is that the entrance to the common toilet has been moved to the balcony — another nod to his retro theme. To protect his son Reign from entering the balcony, Maxi also installed a sliding door.
"Because in a lot of modern HDB flats, the toilet is only accessible from the living room. I don't like it, I think it's a little disgusting. If someone uses the toilet, the whole apartment will smell," he said.
There's also another surprise in the master bedroom toilet — a bathtub, which was a special request from Lizy who generously allowed him to design the apartment according to his fancy.
Sin Nee jokingly asked if there was anything that Lizy liked in the home, to which Maxi replied: "Me!"