Tim Allen reuniting with Richard Karn for a Home Improvement reunion

The two former co-stars are hosting the new game show Assembly Required for the History Channel, and the project might be the closest fans get to a real-life edition of their fictional show within a show, Tool Time.
The pair are back together as hosts and executive producers alongside resident expert and DIY YouTuber April Wilkerson, as the show challenges builders across the US to "breathe new life into everyday household items in desperate need of fixing".
Tim commented: "They say a longtime friend is someone who responds with, 'This is by far your worst idea ever'…Fortunately, this was a great idea working with Richard.
"I loved those days doing Tool Time. We both share a great appreciation of people who can solve a problem not by talking about it, but by 'doing' it with creativity and amazing building skills. Plus it gives me more time to make fun of his fake beard."
Detailing the show, the History Channel added: "This new series will push each contestant to their limits while testing their ability and ingenuity to not only rebuild it but to build it better.
"In each episode, Allen and Karn will also dive into the unique history around these items to celebrate the men and women who crafted them, and the techniques used."
This reunion project - which launches on Feb 23 - comes 30 years after the Home Improvement pilot episode first aired. In the sitcom, Tim and Richard starred as Tool Time co-hosts Tim Taylor and Al Borland respectively.
In a promo for the new series, Tim quipped: "We still got it, man! Least, I do."
His fellow presenter dryly replied: "You got something!"
Richard added in a statement: "Tim has always been jealous of my facial hair… mainly because when he grows his it looks a bit off… but I will say this has been one of his best ideas ever. Working alongside him has been the bright spot of this difficult year."
This isn't the first time the pair have got back together on screen, as they also had a reunion on Allen's Last Man Standing sitcom, which is currently in the middle of its ninth and final series after almost a decade on air.