10 More Health Myths Debunked | Health Plus

10 More Health Myths Debunked | Health Plus

Eating chocolate causes pimples. Sleeping with wet hair will give you a cold. If you go for an x-ray, you're at risk of getting cancer.

Can you tell the difference between a myth and a fact?

Here, we reveal the truths behind 10 more common health claims, according to experts from Parkway Hospitals.

Missed part 1 of this series? Read 12 Popular Health Myths Debunked.

Myth 1: Public toilet seats carry infections and diseases

The truth: We all know that we need to wash our hands after leaving the bathroom. But many of us worry that just sitting on a toilet seat is enough to pick up an infection or disease.

While it’s technically possible to pick up an infection or disease from a toilet seat, the chances are very low.

You’re more likely to pick one up somewhere else in the bathroom! Plenty of other surfaces – like the sinks, counters and door handles – can be home to nasty bacteria as well. In fact, the intact skin on your bottom will probably invite fewer germs into your body than your hands, which are more likely to have little cuts and scrapes on them, and which you use to touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Hand-washing with soap and water is the best way to avoid picking these germs up.

Myth 2: Microwaving your food kills nutrients

10 myths debunked - microwaving destroys nutrients
The truth: There is no scientific evidence to suggest that microwaving food reduces nutrient levels. In fact, if you use your microwave right, it’s actually a better way to retain vitamins and minerals as compared to other cooking methods! This is because lesser nutrients are lost from shorter heat exposure, and the minimal amount of liquid needed for microwaving food simply stops nutrients from leaking out.

To best retain the nutrients of your food, cover up your microwave-safe container or bowl with a minimal amount of water. You’ll be essentially steaming your food from the inside. Just remember not to add too much liquid or overcook the contents.

Myth 3: Sleeping with wet hair will cause a cold

The truth: You can’t catch a virus just by going to sleep with wet hair. Being cold or damp isn’t enough - viruses are contagious, so you actually need to come into contact with one to risk picking it up!

However, you may want to reconsider sleeping with wet hair if you are prone to acne, as a wet pillow is more likely to breed bacteria. Switch out your pillowcases regularly if you’re worried about this problem.

Myth 4: The ‘5-second rule’

10 myths debunked - 5 seconds rule
The truth: Have you ever seen someone drop a piece of food, pick it straight back up, invoke the ‘5-second rule’, and then eat it? Well, the ‘5 second rule’ is a total myth! It doesn’t take 5 seconds for bacteria to jump onto dropped food – it is instantaneous. Also, the chance of your floor having no bacteria is slim.

To avoid getting sick, you’re better off erring on the side of caution and throwing any dropped food away, or at the very least, washing it carefully first.

Myth 5: Apply ice if you burn yourself

The truth: Research shows that applying ice cubes to minor scalds can actually do more harm than good. This is because extremely cold temperatures (like frozen water) can have a frostbite-type effect that damages the surface of the skin.

You should also avoid greasy home remedies like butter or mayonnaise as they can trap heat, which means the skin continues to burn.

On a burned area, it would be best to use running cool (tap) water. Take some pain relief medication, and apply an antibiotic ointment and loose gauze to protect the area from germs.

Myth 6: You should always peel fruits and veggies

10 myths debunked - peeling fruits and vegetables
The truth: The skin on fruit and vegetables like potatoes, apples, carrots and citrus fruits are packed with beneficial nutrients. An apple with skin, for example, contains up to 332% more vitamin K, 142% more vitamin A, 115% more vitamin C and 20% more calcium than a peeled apple. Meanwhile, a boiled potato with skin has up to 175% more vitamin C than a peeled potato.

Another added advantage is that the skins of fruits and veggies are high in fibre and can help you feel fuller for longer, which is beneficial for weight loss. There is also growing evidence showing that adequate fibre intake may benefit your digestion, improve blood glucose and cholesterol control.

If you peel the skins, you are actually cutting out all these essential nutrients! So skip the extra hassle, don’t let your peels go to waste.

Myth 7: Having an x-ray will give you cancer

The truth: Medical x-ray uses ionising radiation to produce an image of your body. It provides important information to your doctor to diagnose and manage your medical condition.

The amount of radiation you get from an x-ray is very low, and the chance of developing cancer in the future is very low too. Reports of people who develop radiation-induced cancer are related to high levels of exposure in the settings of industrial nuclear accidents, nuclear weapons or radiotherapy used to treat cancer.

If your doctor has advised you to have an x-ray, you should go ahead with it as the benefit of diagnosing a medical condition far outweighs the very low risk of developing radiation-induced cancer.

Myth 8: Cracking joints leads to arthritis

10 myths debunked - cracking your joints and arthritis
The truth: It may drive you mad when your colleague cracks their knuckles, but it’s not physically doing them any harm.

When the joint moves or when it is being pulled, areas of low pressure or a vacuum is formed within the joint. The cracking sound is caused by nitrogen gas being pulled into the joint when pressure is put on it. Sometimes, a crack sound can also be heard when a tendon moves over a part of the joint.

Painless cracking of joints is benign and does not cause damage or arthritis. However, if you do experience pain when you crack your joints, speak to a doctor to check for injuries or an underlying condition.

Myth 9: Chocolate causes acne

The truth: A surprising amount of research has been devoted to the link between eating chocolate and having acne. Much of the evidence is inconclusive or contradictory, and for now, there is little proof to suggest that the occasional chocolate bar is going to have an impact on your skin.

Most doctors agree it just comes down to the individual. If you’re prone to acne, you may want to limit your consumption of chocolate and see if it makes a difference, and reach for dark chocolate instead of milk or white chocolate (as it contains less sugar). But you shouldn’t need to swear off chocolate all together. A good-skin diet is simply a healthy balanced diet! Healthy fats from your fatty fish, avocado, and nuts, collagen-making vitamin C as well as other antioxidants from your daily fruits and vegetables are equally important for fabulous skin!

Myth 10: Eating garlic keeps mosquitoes away

10 myths debunked - garlic and mosquitoes
The truth: There’s no evidence to suggest that eating garlic will keep the mozzies at bay. A 2005 study investigated this claim and found that participants got bitten just as much as they did on the days they didn’t eat any garlic.

Mosquitoes are drawn to people who exhale a lot of carbon dioxide, and the larger you are, the more carbon dioxide you’ll be exhaling. That’s why pregnant mothers seem to get bitten more than kids do. Sweat, high body temperatures and perfume can also attract mosquitoes.

So, it’s less about what you eat and more about how you protect yourself. Scented oils like citronella, tea tree oil and lemon eucalyptus oil are all natural repellants. Mosquitoes are also drawn to water sources, so make sure there is no standing water near your home.


Article reviewed and contributed by
Dr Leong Hoe Nam, infectious disease specialist at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital
Dr Othello Dave, deputy medical director at Parkway Hospitals  
Dr John Wan, diagnostic radiologist at Gleneagles Hospital
Dr Victor Seah, orthopaedic surgeon at Parkway East Hospital
Daphne Loh, senior dietitian at Gleneagles Hospital


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