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Ways to stay healthy and flu-free this rainy season

Ways to stay healthy and flu-free this rainy season

Staying happy and healthy this rainy season takes more effort than you think: We can't just sing 'rain, rain go away' to shun the heavy downpours these days.

We have to prepare and protect our health and those of our loved ones, what with work and school in full gear.

Here are some clever ways to stay dry, safe and healthy now that the rainy season is upon us:

1. Always carry an umbrella

Getting wet from a sudden downpour can cause a sudden change in your body temperature that may lead to fever and colds. To avoid getting sick, don't forget to bring your umbrella with you wherever you go. It's not only the best rain gear but also a sickness shield against cough, colds or fever when you're caught up on a rainy day.

2. Keep your nutrition up

Eating healthy food is the cheapest way to protect you from sickness. You can cook a hot soup to invigorate your body or eat Vitamin C-rich foods to boost your immune system to help repulse flu and infection. A delicious and healthy meal is what makes rainy days a little warmer.

3. Wash your hands thoroughly

To keep you from getting colds, cough, and influenza, regular hand washing is the best way to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria. Wash your hands properly by lathering soap between your fingers, under your nails and the top of your hands. Then rinse and dry your hands thoroughly too.

4. Drink plenty of water

There's nothing better than sipping on a warm drink while the rain pours outside. Keep your hydration levels up by drinking 6 to 8 cups of water a day with a squeeze of lemon. Warm water gets your blood circulation going, which leads to a strong immune system that can protect you against getting infections and allergies.

5. Avoid rush hour commutes

Heavy rains with possible flooding can make commuting more difficult. If you have the chance to avoid hours when congestion is at its peak, do so. Avoid the hassle and the possibility of getting stuck in a downpour, leave earlier in the morning, or talk to your boss about your schedule adjustment.

6. Have some backup clothes ready

Since it's easy to get wet during rainy days, walking around with your wet clothes is like inviting a virus into your body resulting in a fever and common cold. Prevent this by stashing away a pair of extra clothes at the office or at your gym during rainy days.

7. Keep up with weather updates

Stay up-to-date with the latest news and weather forecast which you can monitor not only on the radio and TV but also on social networking sites. Follow accounts that share useful information about weather and traffic updates, which might help you to get rid away from flooded areas and find alternate routes.

This article was first published in The Singapore Women's Weekly

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