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5 TCM tips to prevent adult acne

5 TCM tips to prevent adult acne
PHOTO: Pexels

With safe distancing measures firmly in place worldwide, face masks are here to stay for the foreseeable future. However, long periods of mask-wearing can lead to increased moisture retention, friction, and heat inside the mask – basically exacerbating skin conditions such as adult acne and breakouts.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acne is caused by “heatiness”, or “dampness” of the body. These factors can contribute to skin irritation and affect other parts of the body as well.

Besides using skincare products for acne, use these TCM tips to address the root of adult acne naturally.

1. Relook at the balance of your diet

It is easy for the importance of nutrition to slip your mind when you are juggling work, fitness and home life. That is why you should take a step back and consider what you are putting into your body.

Consuming too much spicy, sweet or oily food can lead to heat and dampness accumulating in the stomach and spleen, can disrupt the normal flow of ‘qi’, a person’s life force or energy. The damp-heat moves upward and outward instead and gets trapped at the skin surface and thus manifests as acne.

In the practice of TCM, certain foods can generate either hot energy (yang) or cooling energy (yin). It is recommended to keep a neutral diet that avoids oily or greasy food. If your face is hot or inflamed, consider switching your morning coffee (yang) for cooling drinks like green tea or cucumber water.

2. Supplement your diet with quality nutrients

While being mindful of the food you consume daily, you can also take care of your body by adding nutrient-rich foods to your diet. Specifically, foods rich in the following nutrients are linked to lower levels of acne: complex carbohydrates, zinc, vitamins A and E, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants.

Whole grains, legumes, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables, as well as spinach and dark leafy vegetables, are all foods you should consider adding into your diet. Whole-wheat bread, quinoa, salmon, and other kinds of fatty fish also hold their own benefits to help reduce acne.

And if you prefer to consume TCM tonics, Bird’s Nest is a great skin-booster as well. Modern studies have shown that Bird’s Nest is rich in epidermal growth factor (EGF) which is responsible for skin and tissue repair.

3. Get some exercise

Going for a jog, cycling through the park and other types of exercise help to get your blood flowing. This effectively promotes circulation and dispels fluid build-up in your body through sweating.

Exercising outside also gives you the chance to responsibly take your mask off, allowing you to breath in the fresh air and give your skin a break. Run along pavements or park connectors in the early morning or evening to avoid crowds and humidity.

4. Opt for traditional Chinese herbs

There is a range of herbs that have significant anti-acne properties. A popular herb is the roselle flower, which is used to help dispel heat, reduces pigmentation and beautify the skin. Roselle tea is a quick and easy way to beautify your skin and reduce pigmentation.

Note that if you visit TCM stores, you can also consult their trained herbalists in person. That way, they’re able to assess your condition and prescribe herbs tailored just for your skin.

5. Use nourishing face masks

Maintaining a good balance of oil and moisture in your skin is crucial for keeping acne at bay. Avoid harsh skincare products that strip the skin of its natural oils and instead, ensure that the skin is well hydrated to help control and reduce oil production.

Aside from hydration, regular use of herbal-based skincare products and nourishing sheet masks can help to eliminate excess dampness and heat from the skin.

This article was first published in Her World Online.

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