6 party horror stories that will make you want to stay home

Have you ever bailed on a party invite only to spend the entire night wondering what you were missing out on?
Well, wonder no more–we got six girls to share their real life painful, scary and downright mortifying partying experiences with us.
Besides, there’s a reason all those memes about staying in and cancelling plans are so popular.
And after reading these horror stories, you’ll be glad you passed on that party last weekend.
"I was at a beach club party with my friends and volunteered to buy us another round of sangria. All I remember is bringing the drinks back and suddenly waking up, on the ground, surrounded by people.
My whole body hurt, but especially my face—I knew it was bad when everyone refused to show me my reflection.
I still don’t know if I tripped or if I just blacked out, but I had to go to the hospital, get stitches and wear braces to correct my teeth, which had been bent inwards when I fell on my face.”
– Clara, 22
"I was in Hong Kong to meet my then-boyfriend’s friends for the first time and we went to a bar.
I wanted to be a good sport and kept partaking in drinking games even though I know my alcohol tolerance level is low.
By the end of the night, I was trying to pick fights with strangers on the street and had to be carried by my ex and two of his friends out of the club.
Later, my ex had to call his parents to carry me inside where I immediately projectile vomited all over the bathroom—shower, toilet, floor… everywhere.”
– Serene, 24
"My friend and I met up with a bunch of guys we were supposed to go to a party with in our dorm lobby. Once we met up with them, they weren’t really talking to me and it really awkward.
Later, one boy asked us where the exact address was, so I responded and he just looked at me, then looked to my friend and asked the same question again as if I didn’t even exist.
That was basically how the rest of the party panned out as well. I felt invisible.”
– Sharon, 24
"Two years ago, I was at a club with my friend and she bumped into some guys that she knew.
One tried to hook up with me but I wasn’t into it so I pushed him away. I felt really weird after just half of my G&T and I knew something was wrong.
I don’t remember getting into a taxi, but I do remember the driver having to shake me awake when I got to my house.
I was so groggy and disoriented that I had to hold onto the wall because I couldn’t stand up properly.
I crawled to the bathroom to vomit and woke up on my kitchen floor. My friend, who studies pharmaceuticals, confirmed the next day that we’d both been roofied.”
– Claudia, 26
"When I got into the club, I was completely sober, but I knew people at a couple of different tables who had me drink quite a bit.
Next thing I know, the alcohol hits and I’m dancing with a guy. All I remember thinking is, ‘Holy sh*t, he’s so cute’ then we made out.
I don’t know for how long but one of my best friends saw and said, ‘WTF Katie’ and pulled me to the bathroom. I was like ‘What? What happened?!’ because I didn’t see the problem.
It turns out, although my boyfriend was at the party, the guy that I was kissing was not him.”
– Katie, 22
"My friends and I were on our way to a party when we stopped for some food.
Just as I was walking into the party, my stomach started to churn and I knew I had to get to a bathroom ASAP.
It was only after I relieved myself did I realise that there was no toilet paper or tissue or anything that I could use to clean with.
In the end, I took off my shirt, used that to wipe and stuffed it deep into the garbage.
Thank goodness that party was so trashy that when I walked out of the bathroom in my bra, no one batted an eye.”
– Hana, 28
This article was first published in CLEO Singapore.