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8 things we won't be buying from Marie Kondo's new online store

8 things we won't be buying from Marie Kondo's new online store

So, Marie Kondo announced that she just launched an online store yesterday in a Facebook post.

She described the things on her stockist as “a collection of my favourite things and items that spark joy.”

When Marie Kondo first became famous and everyone and their neighbour was talking about KonMari, I wasn’t sold.

I'm someone who thrives in an organised chaos and watching the Netflix show stressed me out.

I never got beyond one episode. But still, I was inspired—until I saw the items on her website.

Hello, Marie Kondo, I don’t know how these items spark joy for you, but even for someone as *ahem* messy, these items will just add on to my mess.

I mean, it’s great that she has a lot of items that promote zero-waste, such as reusable cotton rounds and flower bouquet tote, but the prices made me go

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The cotton rounds go for US$20 ($27.23), which is pretty reasonable if you calculate by cost per use, but the flower bouquet tote costs US$42 ($57.19) and unless you’re buying flowers every week, it’s not very worth it.

Yes, some of the materials she used are sustainably-sourced but unless I’m rolling in money (which I’m not), I wouldn’t bear to part with such an amount for glass containers or a bowl.

And then there are the items that made me go

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Scroll down to see the items that I wouldn’t buy and would probably make you go WTH as well. But I’ve included shopping links in case you don’t share my opinion and want to shop these pieces.


Wow, $88.50 for a bottle opener. Does this make your drink/sauce taste better?

But honestly, if you’re gonna KonMari your life, wouldn’t it make more sense to buy a can opener that comes with a bottle opener to save space?


This tool holder can buy you a ticket to Taipei when Scoot is having a sale.

What’s the point of this again? Can you not just make sure your utensils are wiped dry and put in the drawers?


You can get this from Daiso for $2. Or you can just shake your keyboard upside down to get the crumbs out.


Who uses such a small broom nowadays? If it’s for wiping crumbs off the tabletop, you can do that with a rag, no? I’m so confused.


Tbh, when I first say these, my first thought was, “Wah, damn nice.” Then I saw the price tag.

I can possibly buy a pair of Golden Goose sneakers that are on sale.

Also, wouldn’t these smell after a while, especially in Singapore’s hot weather?


Does this candle spark joy? Maybe. Does it take up space? Yes.


Now that you’ve KonMari-ed your stuff, why not get a mirror that looks nice on your vanity table, but is so small that you have to bend down to see your reflection while applying makeup?

Want to see your full look? Take a step back.

Want to see your whole outfit? Take a lot of steps back. Actually, you know what?

Just take a photo with your phone. It’s easier that way.


Part of KonMari-ing your life involves a spritiual element, so why not get good vibes from this water bottle that costs more than Goop’s original version?

According to Wall Street Journal, she said she’s not promoting consumerism—she’s just sharing with her followers what she uses because they’ve been asking her what items she has around her house.

They quoted her saying, “If the bowl that you’re using currently sparks joy for you, I don’t encourage replacing it at all.”

OK, but if my bowl doesn’t spark joy and I want to replace it, will your $197.42 bowl spark joy for me?

This article was first published in CLEO Singapore

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