9 things only people who share clothes with their siblings will understand

Celebs, they’re just like us! Kendall Jenner ended up getting into a massive fight with her sister Kylie when Kylie wouldn’t allow her to borrow one of her dresses.
What’s yours is mine. What’s mine is mine. If you thought that saying only applies to couples, you’re quite wrong. Sometimes we apply the same rule to our family members, especially our siblings.
With siblings in the house, you might think this means double or sometimes triple the amount of stuff you could utilize, especially when it comes to clothes. Need a formal dress? Hey, your elder sister has three that might work.
Looking to work the oversized blazer trend? If you’re nice to your younger brother, he might loan it to you.
But living together with siblings in such close quarters might also mean not getting along with each other all the time. Hell, sometimes you even want to murder each other just for existing.
“I can wear your clothes any time, but you need permission to wear mine.”— sound familiar? We can totally relate.
If you’re one of those who share clothes with your siblings, here’s nine scenarios that you’re all too familiar with.
1. They haven’t worn that shirt in months but the moment you want to wear it, it’s on their body.
2. You buy clothes all the time, but you wear your sister’s 80% of the time.
3. Their stuff somehow looks nicer than yours. Even if you guys shop together often.
4. You’ve worn your shoes for months and they’re in mint condition. Your sister wears them for a day and they come back torn.
5. You throw your bag around carelessly but there’s hardly a scratch. You take special care of your sister’s bag, but a scratch miraculously appears. It must be Murphy’s Law at work.
6. When she buys something in a size too big or small. This means… Yay! Free stuff!
7. You buy a dress and are saving it for a special occasion. The following week, you see your sister wearing it before you get the chance to. RAGE.
8. But then when SHE buys a dress and you ask whether you can borrow it she says, “Sure, after I’ve worn it at least three times.” RUDE.
9. She insults your wardrobe all the time, but yet somehow happen to wear your stuff more than her own. What even.
This article was first published in CLEO Singapore.