Create fun family time at home during the circuit breaker period with these board games for all ages

Create fun family time at home during the circuit breaker period with these board games for all ages
PHOTO: Pexels

Board games are one of the oldest games known in ancient civilisations. The royal courtrooms hosted self-absorbing games for dignitaries and the royalty. Those games have become obsolete in current times, but better versions have made an appearance.

If you are planning to spend relaxing family time indoors, do lookup our list of innovative best family board games of all time. We can promise you a great experience.

Board games for little ones

Board games remain a holiday ritual in many families. New and improved board games in the market are set to catch the attention of kids and families, alike. It is the right time to try a few and imbibe the self-development that comes with playing.

We present to you the best family board games of all time. These board games aren't just fun for the kids, these help their eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills.

Note that you will have to guide them through the games and partner with them often. After all, they look up to you to mentor them.

  • Hape Shark Fishery: Tabletop sharks and short fishing lines and rods make this game very interesting. Even the most active of the kids will be tempted to concentrate on hooking the sharks.

Where to get them: Amazon, Q0o10, Shopee

  • Busytown, Eye Found It: Armed with an over-sized game board, this is interesting enough to keep the young ones at the board. It can be played in groups since you have to reach the picnic before the pigs finish off the food.

Where to get them: Lazada, Shopee

  • Frog Party: A game to encourage counting strategies with various options – the game board steps, number line and lily pad counters. Kids would find moving frogs to the party fun.

Where to get them: Shopee, Lazada

  • Shopping list Memory game: A picture-and-word shopping list and the uncluttered board keep this game easy. With concepts about prints, kids will be enthused to shop as adults do.

Where to get them: Shopee, Q0010, Lazada

Some other best family board games of all time:

Board games for pre-teens

This is the age to develop a foundation for most learning concepts as well as habits. Fun and challenging best family board games of all time are best to introduce specific life skills such as decision-making, patience and abiding by rules.

  • Karuba: Aimed at children of ages 8 years and more, this is a game that many adults will love to join in. The tile-laying is as interesting as are the remaining challenges.

Where to get them: Amazon, Qoo10

  • Pandemic: A board game that gives you a chance to fight dangerous diseases and save the planet will be most welcome for kids. It encourages cooperation and teamwork.

Where to get them: Amazon, Shopee, Lazada

  • Election Night! Boardgame: Help kids learn about real elections through games. They will know about the electoral systems and strategies. It is for 8-year olds and above.

Where to get them: Amazon, Qoo10

  • Hasbro Risk game: A game like the ‘Game of Thrones’ without the violence, it is great for children above 10. It is good for strategic planning and thinking skills.

Where to get them: Lazada, Shopee, Qoo10

  • Monopoly: Monopoly has remained a family favourite for decades. Cheater’s edition is for 10+ and Fortnite is for 13+. So, choose accordingly for your family. 

Where to get them: Lazada, Amazon, Shopee

There are lots more to choose from:

Board games for kids and adults 

With bigger children, board games need to be exciting and stimulating to compliment their intellect. You will find that some games can become interesting even for grown-ups. They can easily promote child-parent friendship.

  • Tapestry Board Game: Your child can build civilisations and learn about history. They get to choose one of the four tracks – science, technology, military and exploration – to make a new world of their choice.

Where to get them: Amazon

  • Quelf: An ideal game that your early teen can play with their grandparents, this is an unpredictable family game. It is fast and can be quite hilarious at times.

Where to get them: Shopee, Lazada, Qoo10

  • Taboo: This is an all-time favourite of teens and even kids with a good hold on vocabulary. The latest version with cultural references is not only fun but educational too.

Where to get them: Lazada, Amazon, Shopee

  • Settlers of Catan: Only teamwork can help players build settlements, cities and roads. The field has 19 hexagonal tiles to represent the conquered island to build on.

Where to get them: Lazada, Shopee, Amazon

  • Ticket to Ride: This game can keep from two teenagers up to a whole crowd hooked. A game of a world race with trials along the way, it can get addictive for a family playing together.

Where to get them: Lazada, Amazon, Qoo10

  • Last Night on Earth: Is your teen intrigued by zombies? Here is a game with the zombie theme and enough twists and trails to make life interesting.

Where to get them: Qoo10, Amazon

Other interesting games to look out for:

Benefits from family board games

Whether it is a vacation or a stay-at-home condition such as the present situation, board games can come handy. You may feel that board games are old-fashioned, yet they offer a fun way to utilise your family time. And don’t forget the advantages they offer to the developing minds.

  • Board games promote mental growth.

Challenging board games demand that kids learn to predict consequences, plan ahead and strategise. Thus, thinking and cognitive skills improve. This has a long-term positive effect on your child’s mental development.

  • Board games teach teamwork and cooperation.

Many of the board games require the players to collaborate. Kids soon learn that at times negotiation and coordination can be beneficial in helping them win. This is again a lesson of a lifetime.

Younger kids learn to develop patience and take turns. This early learning of giving importance to others helps with their future adaptability.

  • Board games help to bond and bring people together.

While playing these best family board games of all time, you will get to know your kids better and they will imbibe your values. The age gap dissolves, and different generations come together on the same table. The attachment that our busy lives deny us, can finally be achieved.

The bottom line is that family-style board games come with a lot of advantages for each member of the family, particularly the kids. It can be included as an essential part of their learning curve. And they will have lovely memories of growing up.

This article was first published in theAsianparent.

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