How to cut your fringe at home: This woman shares the perfect hack

The pandemic has forced mums to take up many roles, hair stylist being one of them. From trimming to ensuring their kids are prim and proper, mums have had to be on top of DIY haircuts this past year.
And while a DIY haircut might seem easy to pull off, it can be quite difficult, especially when you have a squirmy child on the chair and a fringe to maintain.
You may find that no matter the number of YouTube tutorials you watch, it is a challenge to get your child’s hair in a straight line every single time.
Incidentally, a TikTok mum has come to everybody’s rescue with her genius hack for cutting your child's fringe at home.
On her account The Hands On Family, the mum shared the simple trick she uses to get a “perfect” fringe for her daughter within seconds.
All you need for this hack is a roll of sticky tape and a pair of scissors.
@handsonfamily How to cut the perfect bangs! #MakingTheCut #GRWM #momhack #BackToSchool #GirlMom
♬ I'm A Survivor - Reba McEntire
Plus, this method also requires no messy cleanup because the hair mostly sticks to the tape. No wonder her hack video has garnered a massive 9.3 million views!
ALSO READ: 8 useful tips for a tantrum-free kids' hair cut
Although the video went viral and raked in around 420K reactions and over 4,000 comments not everybody was impressed.
One user wrote, “I think you just got lucky. Please don’t do it again.”
Another person shared that her mum used to try the same hack on her hair and it didn’t look great. People expressed shock that the tape didn’t get caught in the girl’s hair.
However, there were some users who found the hack useful and said that they were going to try it out for themselves.
A user wrote, “This is just brilliant and a smart one.”
So next time you are wondering how to cut a fringe at home, perhaps you can try this hack. But before you do pick up that scissors, there are few things you must keep in mind.
Don’t just rush in with the scissors and attack your child’s hair. Spend some time to first examine the current shape and how you want it to look. Go through few tutorials and some easy hacks that can make your job easier.
If it is your first time, it is best you play safe and not go overboard. With practice, you will surely gain the confidence to explore fun hairstyles.
Children can feel uneasy when they see scissors and other sharp objects near their faces. Most of them will yell and howl. So the task is to stay prepared for this reaction and work out a way to calm your child.
Whether it is by reassuring them or by demonstrating it on a doll, do what you feel would work best for you and your little bub.
Your child is more likely to sit still if they are given their favourite toy or if you make them sit in front of the TV. Try rewarding them after they are done with the haircut. This will motivate them to stay patient and cooperate with you.
To pull off a DIY haircut at home, you will require cutting scissors, a small comb, and a spray bottle. You will also need shampoo and conditioner to wash your child’s hair after you are done with the cut.
While you may get done with the trim in just 15 minutes, your child may find it hard to sit at a stretch for that long. So, if you find them being uncomfortable or being hungry, give them breaks in between.
Make sure they do not eat while getting the haircut. This will avoid any slip ups or accidents. Keep them well fed before you start.
ALSO READ: Kid's haircut tutorial goes very wrong
This article was first published in theAsianparent.