Luxury brand Balenciaga is now selling a plain white Fortnite shirt that costs $1,344

Regardless of how conservative or outlandishly "expressive" your individual taste in fashion might be, chances are you probably have at least one or two white shirts tucked away somewhere in your wardrobe.
As far as modern fashion trends are concerned, it's pretty much a staple, baseline item - and that means most people usually don't (and won't) spend a fortune to buy one.
Of course, the emphasis is on the word "most" because there are bound to be folks who intend to buy that new Fortnite 2021 Shirt Large Fit from Balenciaga.
Granted, the mere mention of the latter already tips you off that the t-shirt won't come cheap, but forking out US$995 (S$1,344) for what is arguably a plain, long-sleeved white shirt with some Fortnite-related text on the front and back?
For lack of a better term, picking one up would be rather...questionable.
And yet, there will probably (or rather, certainly) be people willing to fork out the dough to own this piece of Fortnite-related apparel, and if you've got the dough to spare, by all means.
Still, what's really amusing and to a large extent, obvious is that you can get lots of items with that kind of money, like a brand-new PS5 or, you know, a bunch of shirts with similar designs?
Of course, I'm merely taking the shirt at face value here - because right now the only perceivable ball that it has in its court is its luxury branding and perhaps the "engraved buttons" as mentioned on the item page.
Maybe Balenciaga plans to toss in a diamond-studded laundry tag with the owner's initials imprinted on it in 24-carat gold as well?
The possibilities are indeed endless, and since we're on the topic, you might like to know that they're also selling a Fortnite t-shirt for US$495 and a hat for US$395, among several other items.
This article was first published in Hardware Zone.