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OMG my Deliveroo guy looks like the strong arm emoji

OMG my Deliveroo guy looks like the strong arm emoji
PHOTO: Sim Ding En

Ok, so I literally burst out in nervous laughter when I saw my Deliveroo guy with my chicken rice order today, and couldn't help but blurt out: "Wah lau eh! You're damn built lah, bro! Are you a bodybuilder?!"

Turns out, the super-chill 1.75m-tall swole 21-year-old Mohd Abdul Rahman is.

And a winning one at that. In fact, last year, he came in 1st in his category (Men's Classic Physique) in the Fitness Movement Singapore Nationals 2019, and placed 2nd overall.


Rahman, who began bodybuilding at the age of 14, just completed his NS stint as a firefighter in the SCDF's 1st Division/Rota1.

"Bodybuilding is not for everybody, but during NS, (my NS buddies) did ask me how to start off. Like, how to lean down or how to bulk up," said Rahman, who also admitted that bodybuilding did, in a way, help him ace NS.

"Otherwise, I would'nt be able to carry the heavy firefighting equipment!"


During the circuit breaker period, Rahman has maintained his physique by training four or five times a week, and eating about 2,300 calories every day.

Taking part in bodybuilding competitions has, of course, been put on the backburner this year, but Rahman has every intention of picking up where he left off once the Covid-19 situation improves next year, hopefully.

Meanwhile, he's happy doing the Deliveroo gig. Aiyah, who wouldn't be, if they got compliments for looking like Captain America, right?

"I usually get praises for my build," admits Rahman, who makes his deliveries on a bicycle.

"Probably quite rare for a bodybuilder to be doing food deliveries!"

This article was first published in

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