These 2 guys started a lactation nut butter brand for breastfeeding mothers

Lactation food products like cookies and beverages have mushroomed in the market. And if you aren't yet familiar with the term, they're foods made with galactagogues or ingredients that are supposed to help increase breast milk supply in breastfeeding mothers.
And there's a new player in the scene called 2nutguys. Yes, that's right, as the name implies, it's helmed by two Singaporean guys, Lee Chee Leong, 37, and David Ho, 34, who offer what they deem Singapore's first lactation nut butter.
Why lactation products? Chee Leong first hit on the idea after witnessing how challenging it was for his wife to breastfeed when their newborn arrived. "It was a mixture of not only joy but also helplessness," he shares, "And that helplessness inspired me to challenge and solve the lactation problems."
They both have day jobs, with David an employee benefits broker who's been an entrepreneur for over a decade while Chee Leong works in the fintech industry and runs his company's Asia Pacific operations. The Weekly speaks to Chee Leong on building the brand, the challenges of running the business in a female-centric industry, and working with mothers.
The two first met each other through professional networking platform Linkedin and connected after a couple of chats and a joint webinar.
"I believe we share similar values and frequency. We both believe in trying, assessing, and improving. When we touched on the idea of starting a venture that helps mums, we both knew that this was it!" Chee Leong recalls.
To come up with the winning recipe for their product, the duo worked with a group of 30 mothers who were facing concerns to do with low milk supply or poor milk quality (diluted milk), and were bored with the lactation food that were available then. "Some felt they're too expensive, ineffective, or high in calories, which caused them to put on weight quickly," he adds.
"David and I are curious in nature. In the process of co-creating the product, we asked a lot of questions and gathered a lot of feedback. We spent time understanding each feedback thoroughly because each was priceless. It gave us insights into what mums really wanted."
Using the feedback to fine-tune their recipe, they finally nailed it on their seventh try. "We knew it because there were positive outcomes from the mummies, and everyone was complimenting how tasty the items were. The mummies were extremely helpful and interactive and after each try, they provided very insightful tips. Some even called us to explain and the experience was amazing."
Obviously, the star products are those from the Mummies series, which include the Mummy Nutmond Butter, Mummy Walnuts in savoury flavours, Roasted Almond Milk and Naked Nutmond Butter.
The Mummy Nutmond Butter, in particular, is the star player that was co-created with the group of mothers and has gotten positive reviews and outcomes from those who've tried it.
Another crowd-favourite is the Roasted Almond Milk, which Chee Leong says sold out in the first three weeks since its launch. "The flavour is roasted, which is unique in the market. We do not use any preservatives and sweeten it using a natural sweetener like Medjool dates. Medjool dates are also a milk-boosting ingredient."
When quizzed about the lactation-boosting ingredients that go into their products, Chee Leong shares, "Almonds and walnuts are lactogenic in nature, and they are full of good oils and nutrition. We also use other milk-boosting ingredients like fennel and dates."
Innovation is at the heart of 2nutguys, with Chee Leong and David admitting that they both enjoy the product creation process.
"Our philosophy is to change the way mothers consume lactation products and we want to give them a variety of healthy choices. They don't have to be boring and full of calories."
"Running the company is super fun, and we'll try anything that is unconventional. That being said, our mission hasn't changed. We continue to put mothers at the centre of our strategy and execution, and we want to continue to serve them well and innovate products that they like. And importantly, give them positive outcomes.
Revenue and expansion aside, the most rewarding part of running the business is earning the trust of mothers. "The trust we've gotten is super encouraging, especially since we're two men (and can't breastfeed or lactate) without experience in the lactation industry. I believe that being new and having no experience is an edge, because it encourages us to listen, ask and learn.
"We have mummies sending us photos of their thickened milk and increased milk supply. Some even show us happy photos of their babies drinking milk. The smiles that they have brought us are priceless and energising."
The two have just started a nut lab, or what they call the 2nutguys Lab, where R&D is conducted and where their products are made.
Chee Leong emphasises, "We specifically called it a 'lab' because innovation remains at the heart of our business. Innovation means we can continuously improve the way mums consume our lactation products. We want to offer a healthier variety of products to choose from."
For those looking to kickstart their own entrepreneurial journey, Chee Leong advises, "Be open-minded, willing to try and fine-tune your ideas. Continue to think and find a problem to solve. When you are dedicated to solving a problem, your audience will feel and know it."
The article was first published in The Singapore Women's Weekly.