Vaginal tightening: Simple ways to tighten your private parts

Vaginal tightening. Yes, it is uncomfortable and awkward to even say these words. But be honest. Haven't you thought about this at some point? You may have even searched through websites and books to check if it was an option you can try, especially after childbirth.
Even though it shouldn't matter, this "issue" makes many women very anxious. They become less confident, doubt their own sexual prowess and most of all start to feel inadequate.
Most of us want to feel sexy and confident, especially when it comes to our performance in the bedroom. And for that purpose, most women feel that vaginal tightening is the perfect solution, especially after giving birth vaginally.
A tight vagina could heighten pleasure for both of you during sex. For men, it's the sensation of feeling those soft, cushiony walls gripping their penis. And for women, it's feeling every ridge of their man's penis inside them.
But when your vagina becomes 'loose' (and we'll talk about the reasons later), then perhaps sex might become a little less stimulating.
This is where vaginal tightening comes in.
For the uninitiated, vaginal tightening is the process of tightening the pelvic muscles. It helps to achieve a degree of elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles, thus enhancing tightness.
While there are several methods to achieve this naturally or through exercise, sometimes women opt to get it done surgically, via a vaginoplasty or labiaplasty.
But before we delve into the treatments and what you can do at home, let's address the bigger question. Why is your vagina loose? Could it be because of less sex, too much sex (your man would love to believe this one), childbirth or due to physical exercise gone wrong.
Contradictory to the popular myth that having too much sex can loosen up your lady parts, a loose vagina can be caused by several reasons.
These include childbirth, menopause and the inevitable aging process. In each of these situations you lose estrogen and that can lead to vaginal relaxation or loosening.
Having more or less sex has nothing to do with the elasticity of your vagina.
So let's take a look at the three reasons and how your vagina naturally stretches from its original position in each case.
Each time you give birth your pelvic muscles are put under a tremendous amount of pressure. This also means that your cervix becomes loose after each birthing session. Also the number of children and the short period between each birth also causes the vaginal entry to expand and become loose.
In fact, some women opt for a caesarean section in order to 'save' their vaginas from all that stretching. But let's break that bubble right now. A caesarean section cannot prevent your vulva from opening up and becoming loose.
Irrespective of your birth plan, this automatically happens because of the weight of your baby, your genes, whether you did any pelvic floor exercises during your pregnancy and the number of deliveries you've had.
You will notice that your vulva has become loose or flappy either due to menopause or medical complications like cysts and in some cases cancer.
Although this doesn't really cause any problems with child birth, it can impact a woman's self-esteem in the long run.
If you have had any medical complications involving a surgical procedure around your uterus or cervix, you might want to get your vagina checked. The good thing is that vaginal tightening is no longer just a fad, it has become a possibility.
Your age plays a crucial role in how your body changes over the years. Just as it goes with other parts of your body, your vagina also becomes loose as the years pass by.
This happens because the pelvic floor muscles that keep your vagina intact lose their elasticity as you grow older. So if you notice a difference in your privates over the years, don't worry. It is perfectly normal. This happens to everybody at some point in their lives.
Just remember to focus on regularly following up on the health of your lady bits.
Even with these issues, you can keep your vagina tight and young. There are a few methods, including some cosmetic ones that can come to your rescue.
Vaginal tightening, as mentioned, can be achieved by both cosmetic and natural processes. Let's take a close look at each one of them.
This is a reconstructive procedure. It supposedly 'tightens up' a vagina that has become loose due to any of the mentioned reasons. In this surgery, doctors tighten the vaginal walls and even call it vaginal rejuvenation.
Some women opt for revirgination which is a surgery to repair the hymen and mimic its original state.
Others choose clitoral unhooding, which removes the tissue that covers your clitoris.
Alternatively, there's G-spot amplification, in which collagen is injected in the front walls of the vagina to increase stimulation.
A labiaplasty on the other hand will change the shape of your labia ('lips' on your vagina).
But just like any other medical procedure, these surgical procedures also have their fair share of side-effects. First up, this surgery is quite expensive and ranges from $800 to $11,000 in some cases. In addition, it can also lead to an infection, permanent changes to sensations, as well as scarring and pain.
Therefore, its best to opt for natural vaginal tightening procedures such as exercise and diet.
The most natural way to make sure that your vagina is fresh and young for long is to exercise the pelvic floor muscles. Now, this can be done in many ways.
Finally, it is crucial that you have a healthy diet and stick to it regularly. Turns out, the right kind of food can keep your vagina healthy, happy and free from infection.
For instance, if you want to keep your vagina away from any infection, you should incorporate green tea in your diet. The catechins present in green tea pass through the urinary tract and decrease the risk of overgrowth of bad bacteria.
Regularly eating probiotics such as yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso and tempeh can also keep your vagina healthy. They maintain a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria. Also, organic tofu, edamame, or tempeh contain estrogen-mimicking plant compounds that are called isoflavins, can also help.
These are natural ways that can help with vaginal tightening. But if you actually do all of these activities regularly and include healthy food, can it make your sex life better?
The fact is that only you can answer this question. Ask yourself, does a tighter vagina make you feel more sexy and confident? Do you think your husband's attitude towards you has changed since your vaginal tightening process?
If you answered 'yes' to all these questions then yes, vaginal tightening has worked wonders for you.
But let's clear one thing. Orgasms are caused when there is a rubbing between the sensitive areas of the vagina and the penis. The more the stimulation, the better the orgasm. Eventually how you get yours doesn't really depend on your vaginal tightening but how you bond with your partner emotionally and physically.
Having said that, making sure that your vagina is tight isn't wrong at all. If it makes you feel better, if it works for you, please go ahead. After all, love-making as well as feeling good about yourself depends on what you like.
If you like looking a certain way, go for it. Don't worry about anything. Do your research and work on yourself.
This article was first published in theAsianparent.