Ya Kun offers to send TikTok user 57 cups of kopi and teh after NDP shoutout, but she's eyeing something else

[UPDATE: Aug 11]
Ask and you shall receive.
After local TikTok influencer Nicole Liel campaigned for her followers to enjoy free goodies from Ya Kun Kaya Toast, the cafe chain has gamely agreed.
Not only is Ya Kun offering her 57 of their Kaya Toast Set A, it is also giving an additional 57 sets away to her followers, she announced in an Instagram post today (Aug 11).
To redeem the free sets, you'll have to stay tuned to Nicole's Instagram Story tonight, where she will be releasing promo codes in batches.
"Because it's first-come, first-served, I want to spread it out. I don't want to dump all the promo codes at one shot," she explained in a separate TikTok.
National Day Parade (NDP) 2022 is officially over but the chitter-chatter around town is still very much focused on events from yesterday (Aug 9).
An early contender for the most iconic moment was when host Rishi Budhrani headed to the stands and mingled with members of the 25,000-strong crowd.
He picked out two women from the audience and asked one simple question: "What are you grateful for?"
One of the women, TikTok influencer Nicole Liel, had an answer that sent the crowd into peals of laughter.
She replied: "I'm very grateful to HDB for giving me a BTO (Build-to-Order) queue number."
Then came the kicker: "And Ya Kun Kaya Toast."
Fair play to the 24-year-old for picking out what are arguably the two most quintessentially Singaporean things out there.
It seems as though Ya Kun Kaya Toast weren't sleeping on NDP 2022 as they soon reached out to Nicole with an offer.
On Aug 10, Nicole shared the details of said offer with her followers.
The local cafe chain apparently asked if she was keen on receiving 57 cups of kopi and teh as a form of thank you for the shoutout on national television.
Now, most people would simply grab at the offer without thinking but Nicole had other ideas.
"Thank you so much for your kopi and teh but what I want is your kaya toast," she said in her TikTok video.
Being a self-proclaimed "thick-skinned Singaporean", Nicole tried her luck at getting an even better deal.
The former Night Owl Cinematics talent also asked the cafe chain if it was possible for her followers to redeem 57 Ya Kun Value Set A meals consisting of kaya toast, soft-boiled eggs and coffee.
To be fair, since she's already asking for kaya toast, why not just try her luck at getting a truly Singaporean breakfast, right?
"I don't know what they are going to reply me yet but I'm crossing my fingers [sic]," she said.
Nicole even cheekily suggested to her followers to "spam" Ya Kun's Instagram and potentially raise that number from 57 to 570.
Props to Nicole — her quick wit might actually get her (and her followers) some complimentary items from Ya Kun.