Your shot of health is about to get juicier with this new juice outlet

We've got some juicy news to share. A new, homegrown take-and-go fresh fruit juice outlet, Jus Juice It, has recently opened at V Hotel Lavender.
With an initial menu of nine fruit juice concoctions, you'll even have the option to add a generous topping of bite-sized fresh fruits for more texture and goodness. If you ever need a perk-me-up to cleanse and replenish those vitamins in your body, why not swap those bubble tea trips for a healthier option?
Speaking of perk-me-ups, we spoke with Jus Juice It's co-founder Walter Tay (who previously made headlines for helping out at his parent’s carrot cake stall and winning the hearts and minds of aunties everywhere) about his latest venture.
This nickname was coined by a journalist in 2019 during one of the interviews about my fitness routine and an inaugural fitness competition that I was assisting to organise. Then other media who interviewed me also used the term in their articles and it just went on from there. I humbly take it as a compliment but it is not something that I’m fixated about.
I was a frail teenager in secondary school and experienced fainting spells quite often. So, when I went to polytechnic, I decided that I wanted to build up my health, strength and stamina.
So, I joined the dragon boat team to embark on this mission. It was a very tough two years of training in competitive dragon boating but I had no regrets as it not only helped me achieve a fitter shape but also taught me discipline and perseverance.
Today, I work out at least five times a week for about one-and-a-half hours per session – be it at a gym, in the pool or just brisk walking by the track. Over the last 15 years, I also learnt a lot about nutrition from the seasoned fitness professionals that also helped me in achieving my ideal body weight and shape.
I got to know Jeremy, who runs an events management company, in 2017 through his ex-boss, Hideki Akiyoshi, who is also my mentor. I attended one of his events, Culture Cartel – an annual street culture convention, that he and his team have been organising since 2018 and was impressed by the event and the way he ran it.
So, I have been hoping for an opportunity to work with him and learn the strategy and marketing aspects of running a business. The opportunity came during the circuit breaker period in end-May 2020, when Jeremy asked if I was keen to join him and his business partner, Ixson, on a new F&B venture.
All three of us were aligned that Singapore’s "affordable eats" need to be revitalised and given a new spin so that it can capture the hearts of the younger audience.
During our brainstorming and discussion sessions, Ixson shared about setting up a modern, fun and delicious fruit juice outlet, taking inspiration from both the traditional fruit juice hawker stall in Singapore and those trendy ones with interesting juice concoctions in China that Ixson saw have been booming over the last seven years when he was staying there.
And with so many youngsters drinking bubble tea, some even on a daily basis, we thought to ourselves – it’s time to offer a healthier beverage option and make juice drinking and fruit eating trendy and lit too!
Jus Juice It portrays a young, energetic, fun vibe and we want to make juice drinking “fashionable”. We want the kids to tell the parents about us. Our outlet is bathed in white, with the injection of colours coming from the fruits.
We come up with our own recipes for the juices, that take into consideration the fruit mix, texture and taste. In addition, customers can choose to add a topping of assorted bite-size fresh fruits for more texture and bite. So that its best of both worlds. Plus, our fruits are imported from our neighbouring countries four times a week to ensure freshness.
We will continue to develop and introduce new juice concoctions every few months so as to keep things fresh (pun intended).
With the knowledge gained from 15 years of fitness lifestyle and nutrition management, my role is to come up with the range of juices that are nutritious and delicious. We want to debunk the perception that healthy drinks are just a mixture of greens and taste funky.
We want to overhaul the image of juice-drinking as an “old-fashioned” beverage and make it hip and happening again! Hopefully, my healthy image and flattering nickname can help in this respect.
We have named each juice with a fun and relatable name to give it personality. Since our opening, our specially-created Green Hulk, which consists of a mix of green apple, banana, wheatgrass and honey, ranks top among our male customers while the ladies prefer the lovely Sakura juice drink that is made with watermelon, rockmelon and strawberries.
We hope to reach a point where people are going to tell their friends that they are drinking Green Hulk or Sakura as a branded lifestyle choice instead of just merely a juice beverage.
Jus Juice It outlet is located at V Hotel Lavender, 70 Jellicoe Road, #01-14 and the juices are now also available for delivery via GrabFood.
From now to Feb 10, 2021, follow @jusjuiceitsg on Instagram and get a FREE Green Hulk juice (made of Green Apple, Banana, Wheatgrass, Honey and worth $4.50) with any juice purchase, while stocks last.
This article was first published in