Malaysian Casanova teaches men how to attract women - but it's nothing new

One man is 'spilling the secrets' of the dating universe and all the other men are living for it.
On Facebook page Sunway University Confessions 3, a Malaysian confessions page for its students, an anonymous user decided to teach guys how to get the girls.
In the post on June 3, the user describes himself as a Casanova and claimed to have three ex-girlfriends, along with more than 10 sexual encounters.
So much that he has "tried them all" and "lost count".
As sleazy as he sounded, surprisingly, his lessons are actually helpful and not offensive or rude.
Claiming that women are "emotional creatures" compared to men who are governed more by logic, his most important lesson is for men to "know what to say and when to say it".
Don't just randomly confess your love to some girl you barely know, he said.
He added: "Do you have the rapport with this person to take it past being friends? Logic and social awareness be your bff here.
"Confess when you know she likes you for sure. If you [sic] unsure, keep moving forward with her and see what happens...
"The trick is to actually like her. Not pretend."
He then goes on to lesson number two: Don't say dumb s***.
To summarise, he means that men shouldn't say anything that "would the make [sic] the girl feel offended, disgusted, or hurt".
His final lesson?
Take care of your image - although his idea of 'self love' isn't so much about loving yourself so other people can love you.
It's about making sure you are deserving of your partner.
"Girls who are going to become doctors will go for guys who are smart. Girls who go to the gym will go for guys who are fit.
"The girl version of you is the type of girl you can get [sic]," he concluded.
Apart from the fact that his lessons are partially substantiated by gender stereotypes (which is a whole other story), it's also incredibly baffling that men are praising his nuggets of wisdom when they're very much rooted in common sense.
This irony wasn't lost on various commenters who pointed out that the user's lessons were basically teaching people how to be better human beings - which is what we should already be.
Despite the woke intention of calling men to treat women better, this post inherently echoes what women have also been telling men for decades.
Leave it to a Casanova to spill the tea and men start rallying around him like he's the love guru.
Look, it's not women (or men) who are complicated and complex. It is people who are complicated and complex.
At the risk of oversimplifying things, just be a respectful and decent human being.
It's not hard.
These lessons are not new - even the Fab Five from Queer Eye has espoused and represented these values.
By the way, he also has lessons for women in a separate post if you're interested.
He raises salient points as well and, as commenters rightly pointed out on that post, this Casanova is walking the talk by taking a more polite and respectful tone when addressing women.
While he doesn't add value to the discussion about love and relationships, there's certainly something to be said about a bad boy with good manners.