Malaysian couple caught having sex in car crashes into longkang while trying to escape police

Perhaps the movie Titanic is to blame for popularising certain activities in the car.
Two college students from Penang, aged 19 and 25, were getting frisky in their ride when a police officer tapped on their window on Saturday night (Oct 19).
The officer's sudden appearance shocked the couple, resulting in a high-speed chase after they took off in a panic.
Police officers had been inspecting cars that were stopped along an emergency lane when they came across the couple in their car, reported China Press.
Upon being discovered, the pair panicked and immediately sped off.
According to the assistant director of the police district, the couple's unusual behaviour raised suspicion, prompting the police to give chase.
In their attempt to escape, they lost control of the car and crashed into a toll booth railing, knocked over a motorcyclist before their vehicle veered off the highway and dived nose-first into a large drain.
The pair were arrested the moment they escaped from the sunken vehicle.
While they made it out of the wreck largely unscathed, the motorcyclist was not as lucky — he had to be taken to a nearby hospital to treat his broken legs.
Further investigations revealed the two were not under the influence of drugs or substances. The case is currently under investigation for reckless driving.