International Women's Day: 10 female finance & investment blogs to follow

These days, Singaporean women are just as likely to be seen making stacks of cash or investing in assets, as they are raising kids or cooking for the family. That said, with a gender wage gap of 16.3 per cent in 2018, Singapore still has some way to go in terms of gender equality.
This International Women’s Day (March 8, 2021), we’re highlighting 10 female/female-centric personal finance and investment influencers to inspire women to step up their money game.
The New Savvy is a repository of articles on finance, investments and career seen from the lens of the modern woman.
There are pieces on most of the same personal finance topics that, ahem, we cover here at MoneySmart, including property, insurance, budgeting and lifestyle.
They often tackle topics specific to women, from life insurance for single mothers to the cost of egg freezing, and most of the articles seem to be written from a female perspective. That said, most of their content is equally relevant to both sexes.
Dawn Cher is a blogger who goes by the name of SG Budget Babe and runs one of the most popular Singapore investment blogs.
Her blog has a strong focus on stock investing, and she analyses her own IPO, stock and crypto picks in easy-to-understand language. She also writes about saving, insurance, parenting and the home.
One of the biggest strengths of the blog are the examples from Dawn’s own life, such as when she shares her favourite stock picks or reveals how much she’s prepared to pay for a home.
If you’re looking to read a personal blog written by smart young woman who, besides being financially savvy, also cares about environmental and social issues, Jeraldine Phneah is your girl.
This popular blogger covers a range of topics from politics and personal finance to wellbeing and the environment. Her blog articles incorporate lots of examples from her own life to enable readers to learn from her experiences.
For instance, one of her most popular posts covers how she saved $100,000 in her twenties after just 3.5 years of working.
Karen Tang is a certified financial planner who posts blog articles and podcast episodes on her personal website, focusing on topics such as insurance planning, retirement and estate planning in Singapore.
The articles are highly informative and she draws upon experiences from her own, her friends’ and her clients’ lives, as well as her expertise as a financial planner. If you don’t have a financial planner of your own, Karen’s blog gives some very useful insight into the issues you should be thinking about.
The Women Who Money website is based on the US, but their lifestyle focus makes many of their articles relevant to women living in Singapore, some examples being their pieces on budget-friendly self-care and maintaining friendships with friends of different income levels.
You’ll probably prefer a Singaporean perspective when it comes to issues like investing and property, but Women With Money is still a fun read if you’re looking for wallet-friendly tips.
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The Financial Diet grew out of a personal blog started by American Chelsea Fagan, and is now a female-run company that publishes personal finance pieces from the perspective of young, urban women.
The articles offer insight into how women in their twenties and thirties manage their money while enjoying life at the same time.
Erin Lowry from New York is Broke Millennial. Her blog started when she was counting pennies as a fresh college grad, and has now grown into a successful business and spawned two books.
She isn’t as active on her blog as she used to be, but you’ll find in the archives lots of advice for those who err on the side of frugality and are serious about supercharging their savings and paying down debt.
Financial Best Life was started by American entrepreneur Lauren Bowling, a self-professed reformed shopaholic. It’s a good starting point for those who are just beginning their personal finance journeys and are learning the basics of budgeting.
Whether you want to learn more about concepts like emergency funds and mortgages, or need tips for reigning in your spending on clothes, you’ll find lots of upbeat advice in the blog archives.
Clever Girl Finance was founded by Bola Sokunbi, a certified financial education instructor and author from the US. The blog covers a wide range of topics, from budgeting, saving, career and investing to lifestyle and motivation.
Those interested in social justice can check out her articles on the race wealth gap in America, while fashionistas might be interested in her tips for looking stylish on a budget.
On Ringgit Oh Ringgit, Malaysian blogger Suraya offers personal finance advice from the other side of the causeway.
She offers lots of tips for living a frugal lifestyle and is transparent about her own income and finances, which can offer some perspective to Singaporeans who tend to be higher spenders.
Her Malaysia-specific articles are also useful for those who travel often to Malaysia (well, before Covid-19) or who are thinking of retiring there.
This article was first published in MoneySmart.