Stop, there's a zebra crossing! Escaped beast returned to zoo after roaming streets of Seoul

SEOUL – A zebra escaped from a zoo in the South Korean capital Seoul on Thursday and wandered the streets of a residential district for three hours before being caught and taken home.
Bemused pedestrians looked on as the beast trotted past cars, wandered down a street and poked its nose into garbage bins, footage showed.
The male zebra, named Sero, meaning “vertical” in Korean, had broken free from a zoo at the Seoul Children’s Grand Park.
Officials managed to trap the zebra and give it anaesthetic muscle relaxants, Seoul Gwangjin Fire Station said. It was taken back to the zoo on the back of a pickup truck, footage showed.
The zebra escaped after breaking the wooden fencing around his pen, according to the Gwangjin station.
An official at the Children’s Grand Park told the Associated Press that the zebra was assessed by vets to be in a stable condition.
No injuries or damage of property were reported.
Video clips of Sero’s day out went viral on social media.
“Literally a zebra crossing”, one tweet read.
ALSO READ: Tokyo zoo stages 'zebra escape'