Mark Wahlberg reveals he's been working out in the middle of the night

Mark Wahlberg works out in the middle of the night.
The 52-year-old actor is known for staying in shape for his roles in Hollywood movies and revealed that as long as he can sleep for eight hours at some point in the day, he can use the time overnight to get on with "personal stuff" and has recently been getting up at half past three in the morning.
He told E! News: "As long as I get my eight hours, I can do my thing. I've been getting up lately at 3:30. I don't want to be doing all my personal stuff-working out, my prayer time in the middle of the day, and then trying to golf."
The Father Stu star — who has Ella, 20, Michael, 17, Brendan, 15 as well as 13-year-old Grace with wife Rhea Durham — went on to add that he tries to get everything done before his children wake up and he normally falls asleep early on in the evening.
He said: "I try to get that done before the kids wake up.
"[On an evening], we get the kids all situated-well, they go to bed when they want-and then we'll start watching TV and I'll usually fall asleep in the middle of something."
The Uncharted actor went on to add that he does allow himself two days a week off his intense regime but revealed that his youngest is "more disciplined" than him when it comes to sticking to her schedule as an equestrian.
He said: "I don't want to feel like I am not disciplined enough but I might stay in bed a little longer. But I have my Wednesdays and Saturdays off. My daughter-believe it or not-is more disciplined than me. I didn't adopt that kind of discipline until I was in my 30s and I had to do it because of work. And now she does it on her own because she wants to be an Olympian."
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