Brazilian waxing: I got off the table shaking and slightly pale, but I survived - here's what went down

Humans are odd creatures. They pump plenty of money into products and services to primp and preen the hair on top of their heads, while others get eyelash extensions because they want to make up for the lack of keratin growing out of their eyelids.
However, when it comes to any other part of the body, excess hair is a no-go.
I'm not shy to admit that I too share the same sentiments and over the years, I've tried out various hair removal methods to get rid of all that unwanted fuzz — all except waxing, thanks to my low pain tolerance
But there's always a first time for everything, so recently, I decided to bite the bullet and try getting a bikini wax.
Apart from waxing, there are a number of hair removal options one can try such as shaving, plucking or hair removal creams.
I’ve personally tried the above methods to temporarily remove pesky hairs, but when these grew out, they were coarser and more unruly. I also used to get razor burns, ingrown hairs and rashes, which isn’t the most pleasant thing to deal with.
If you're like me and have done your research on hair removal, you'd find that many people and sites will direct you to waxing, citing it as the cleanest and most effective way of doing so.
To understand a little bit more about the waxing process, I spoke to Imelda Arpilla, a waxer from Wax Factor.
According to Imelda, waxing is the preferred hair removal method as it removes hair from the root so the regrowth process is slower.
This also means that the hair also grows back finer and sparser, making it softer to the touch and more manageable to deal with.
Waxing is also considered more hygienic as compared to shaving, you aren't just removing the hair — you’re also removing the dead skin cells around the area.
Imelda also suggests waxing regularly as the hair will grow back more sparsely over time as compared to other techniques like shaving and hair removal creams.
I have to admit that waxing does seem like the ideal hair removal method. However, I had my own fears surrounding the process.
Pain is, of course, one of the most major factors for me. I have a pretty low tolerance for pain, and the idea of someone ripping off clumps of my hair using hot wax is terrifying to me.
I personally have tried home waxing before using a kit that I got at a beauty supply store. That, however, didn’t go very well and it was an excruciatingly painful and tedious experience. Additionally, the results, while decent, weren’t as clean or as polished as I had envisioned.
Aside from pain, I was also very concerned about hygiene, especially during the pandemic. I definitely did not want to catch Covid-19 — or anything else.
While slightly traumatised by my home waxing experience, I was curious to see what the outcome would be like if I visited a professional instead.
Surprisingly, I did not find myself feeling very jittery during the days leading up to my wax appointment. I was honestly more worried about having a complete stranger look at my lady parts for such an extended period of time.
I was also concerned with the smell of my private area during the procedure. Let's be real. No matter how well you take care of your nether regions, no one naturally smells like a floral bouquet (unless you're Gwyneth Paltrow).
Therefore, I made it a point to bring along an ungodly amount of feminine wipes so that I could give myself a good wipe down before dropping my pants in front of anyone.
Upon reaching, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the salon actually has a private wash area for you to clean your intimate areas, so lugging around a huge bundle of feminine wipes was completely unnecessary.
I was even given a disposable towel to wipe myself down after and my waxer told me that this was for hygiene purposes — bonus points to them for that!
After cleaning myself up, I was ushered into a small, brightly lit room that was simply furnished with a waxing bed and a shelf filled with all the equipment needed.
But it was only when I climbed onto the bed and lifted up my dress that I hit with the reality of what was happening. I’m not going to lie — a part of me started to panic and I nearly wanted to back out.
Turning to my waxer for some form of consolation, I asked her if the procedure was very painful, hoping to hear her tell me that she would do her best to make sure mine won’t be.
“Ya, very pain one," she bluntly replied. Not the most helpful response, especially for me in my current state, but at least she was honest, I guess.
Then, the waxing session commenced.
The process went by more quickly than I had expected it to be, so fast that I almost didn’t have enough time to react. Before starting, she applied a generous layer of talcum powder to my skin, which I later learnt was to keep the hot wax from sticking to my skin and ripping it off.
After that, she dipped a wooden spatula into the pot of hot wax and spread it on my skin in the direction of the hair growth. The wax, as expected, was burning hot, and I found myself squirming a little from discomfort.
And then, once the wax cooled, she let it rip.
With one swift motion, she yanked the strip off in the opposite direction of my hairs. The initial pain was searing and sharp. It was honestly quite a shocking sensation, even though my waxer had given me prior warning.
After tearing the wax off, she put pressure onto the area to help the pain subside.
I’ve always believed in getting unbearable things over and done with fast, so I was glad to find that my waxer shared the same sentiments. She worked quickly, efficiently and almost rhythmically across my private area, not giving me much time to wallow in the pain.
Despite feeling agonisingly long, the entire process actually took less than 20 minutes. I got off the table shaking and slightly pale, but I survived!
This is an excellent example of a no pain, no gain situation. While my description above may have left you feeling traumatised, trust me when I say that it was well worth it, and that I would gladly go through it again.
I don’t even remember feeling this smooth and bare before I hit puberty. Not only was the area completely hairless, but my skin was also shockingly soft and velvety.
When I took a bath that same night and cleaned the area, I was blown away by how different it felt from its pre-waxed days. Aside from being uber silky, the area also felt significantly cleaner and neater. I felt like an actual newborn baby; it was revolutionary.
I without a doubt highly recommend this hair removal technique. Out of all the hair removal techniques, this was truly the cleanest and most efficient out of the lot, and also the one with the best results.
While inevitably painful, these are short, quick bursts of pain that last only for a few seconds, making it more bearable than expected.
Unlike shaving and hair removal creams, waxing also did not cause me any cuts, bruises and burns. As the hair is taken out from the root, there was also no unsightly bumps and stubble.
I'm happy to report that the results lasted a good two weeks. And even with regrowth, the hair does grow back slower and thinner like promised.
Also, for the men who too want to experience a soft, hairless private area, did you know that there are waxing services available for guys too? The treatment is commonly dubbed a boyzilian is available at a number of wax salons across Singapore.
According to Imelda, 30 per cent of the customers who walk into Wax Factor are actually males, so don’t be shy!
For first time waxers, here are some of my tips before you book your appointment: