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Real stories: My mother-in-law insists on buying a baby walker, but I don't want her to

Real stories: My mother-in-law insists on buying a baby walker, but I don't want her to
"I don't want her to have a walker," she said. 'It's bad for a baby's development and teaches them to use their muscles incorrectly for walking."
PHOTO: Pexels

Nowadays, not many parents know the disadvantages of using a baby walker. We normally use walkers to teach infants to walk by themselves. However, recent studies say they may not be the best. 

Meanwhile, married couples usually agree on one basic idea: good boundaries are key to a good relationship with the in-laws. People believe that this kind of reasonable boundary is more important for women than for men. When women become too close to their in-laws, boundaries become confusing.

A 21-year-old mum on Reddit shared that she and her mother-in-law disagree on the disadvantages of using a walker for her daughter. She was aware of the negative effect of using walkers on children. However, the woman's mother-in-law disagrees and insists on buying one for her daughter.

Grandma wants to buy walker for 6-month-old 

The mum doesn't want her daughter to use a walker because of its disadvantages to the child's development. Meanwhile, her daughter's grandma keeps on insisting on buying one.

"I do not want her to, but don't know how to tell her," the woman said.

She does not want her child to use a walker mainly because of its possible negative effects. The young mum said that she has read numerous articles stating its negative effects on children.

"Baby walkers don't help a baby develop their walking. The more time babies spend in a walker, the more delay they experience."

Studies have found that walkers can impede or delay babies in achieving significant milestones in their youngest years.

'I'm going to get her a walker!'

One weekend, the grandmother babysat the daughter on behalf of the woman and her husband. She was so excited to enjoy a wonderful time with her child. She was so happy to say that she wanted to get more things for her grandchild to play with.

"I'm going to get her a walker!" the grandmother said.

The baby's mum hesitated for a second but eventually shared her personal sentiments about her mother-in-law.

"I don't want her to have a walker," she said. "It's bad for a baby's development and teaches them to use their muscles incorrectly for walking."

After telling her mum-in-law the cons of using a walker, she answered firmly. The mum-in-law said there's no problem using it as she used it with all her children, including the woman's husband.

The husband responded to his mum, "Actually, mum, I have some problems walking sometimes. My hips and knees hurt if I walk a certain way, and it's definitely noticeable."

The woman and her mum-in-law have an excellent and harmonious relationship as in-laws. However, the grandmother seemed unhappy with how the couple opposed what she wanted for her grandchild.

The woman said she has tried telling her about alternatives such as a bouncer or activity centre. Still, the grandmother is persistent in insisting on a walker for the child.

Readers reminded the woman of the importance of setting boundaries

The woman asked for advice about setting boundaries respectfully, which will not make anyone feel bad, especially her mum-in-law.

One reader said that it sounds like the woman had already succeeded in making things clear to her mum-in-law. Aside from that, he emphasised the importance of courageously facing some issues with family.

"I'd say deal with issues as they arise," said the reader. "Don't feel afraid to speak up; this is your child, not theirs. I always make that very clear with my family."

Another reader reassures her that setting a boundary between in-laws is okay.

"What you've told her is enough; the boundary is set. You have to enforce it now."

A lot of readers shared more information about the disadvantages of using walkers. They said that it is a dangerous product that is banned from use in other countries like Canada.

Why parents should know the disadvantages of using a baby walker

Canada banned the sale of baby walkers. Along with this, the American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) is aiming to do the same in the US.

The use of baby walkers is dangerous

A study says that US emergency departments treated more than 230,000 children less than five-months-old from injuries related to walkers. The majority of the injuries happen when children fall down the stairs while on a walker. The kids usually injure their heads or neck.

Children can fall out of walkers and get hurt. They can also be drowned when they are hurried into a pool or spa. Additionally, there are also cases when injuries are from toys attached to a baby walker.

Why parents use a baby walker

Some parents buy baby walkers thinking that it would help babies learn to walk faster. Unfortunately, the opposite is true. Using a walker can delay independent walking.

ALSO READ: 8 reasons why your baby fusses when you strap them in the car seat

This article was first published in theAsianparent.

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