Singapore-based Facebook user shares useful hack to reuse those tiny plastic stands in pizza delivery boxes

Ever wondered what the tiny tables or stands are for in pizza delivery boxes?
Also known as pizza savers, they're invented to prevent the pizza boxes from collapsing. That's how you get perfect pizzas without the toppings stuck to the top of the boxes.
Other than keeping your pizzas safe, did you know they could come in useful at home?
Singapore-based Facebook user Tom Yan shared on the Journey to Zero Waste Life Facebook page on Tuesday (Jan 14) how these tiny stands can be reused in our everyday life.
Me? I threw away all these pizza savers over the festive period without giving them a second thought.
Yan said on his post: "I collected a few (pizza savers) and refused to let these go to landfill". He then forced himself to think of new ways to use them, and they're pretty brilliant.
Using his creativity, he has used the pizza savers to hang brooms, bags, and hooks for clothes.
But he didn't stop there. Yan went on to use it as a stand to organise his sister's facial products and masks that were lying around in the fridge, as well as a cable organiser by using two pizza savers to hold them in place.
These pizza savers can also be used in the kitchen to hold scissors and utensils, or in the toilet as a toothbrush and shaver holder.
Just imagine how much money you'll be saving from buying hooks, which can set you back about $5 to $7 for those that are sturdier.
When asked how he managed to stick them to the wall, Yan suggested using some "3M double-sided tape", or heavy-duty tape and epoxy glue to make them more durable.
Facebook users have praised Yan for his creativity, commenting that they're amazing and clever.
One user also commented that he'll be picking up the hacks.
If you think out of the (pizza) box, there are endless ways to reuse these pizza savers. My cousin collects them so that she can turn them into tiny tables for dollhouses.
So, if you're all about sustainable living, these tips will steal a pizz-a your heart. Not only do they prevent pizzas from getting smashed, but they'll also save the Earth.
But that's not all. When it comes to pizza boxes, few may know that they can be fully repurposed too, as seen on a YouTube video in 2009, posted by Greenboxny.
Tear the lid apart into quarters to be used as plates so there'll be no more fussing over who does the dishes, this also reduces water wastage as well!
If you have any leftover pizzas, the edges on the side of the base can be torn off and folded it into a mini box, removing the need for plastic wraps and it also saves space in the fridge.
Although Greenbox's pizza box is designed to improve on outdated and wasteful food packaging, try it on regular takeaway pizza boxes and let us know if it works too.
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