ActiveSG accounts of 29 people from social badminton group suspended

National sports agency Sport Singapore (SportSG) has suspended the ActiveSG membership accounts of players from a social badminton group that flouted safe management measures on June 22.
The group of 29 people, one of whom was a Covid-19 patient, had not followed safe distancing rules and inter-mingled across the courts during their three-hour session at Jurong East Sport Hall.
On June 28, SportSG notified the players of the suspension via e-mail.
A SportSG spokesman said on July 29 that the users' accounts will remain suspended "until the relevant authorities complete the investigations".
This means they will not be able to make bookings or have access to any of the ActiveSG facilities for the time being, including the national sports movement's sports halls, swimming complexes, gyms and fitness studios.
Several members of the group have appealed to SportSG, saying they had not intentionally breached the rules.
The organiser, who declined to be named, wrote to SportSG on July 24 to appeal against the suspension.
He told The Straits Times: "Whether we committed any wrongdoings or not, we are all suspended. We also didn't do it on purpose. The rules weren't very clear. I saw the guidelines and it was changed again for badminton, which shows that it wasn't very clear."
After the incident, SportSG introduced new measures such as the mandatory wearing of wristbands to identify people from different courts to curb the spread of the coronavirus.
But SportSG said yesterday the safe management measures, including the one banning the inter-mixing of groups, were clearly spelt out in its advisory and at its facilities.
The agency warned that it will "act against errant users who have infringed the regulations", including barring them from the use of ActiveSG facilities.
SportSG said on July 18 that there had been about 1,000 cases of safe management violations at ActiveSG facilities since they reopened in phase two.
A member of the group who also did not want to be named felt the decision was harsh, given how sports had restarted only on June 19, a few days before the incident.
He recalled that the safe distancing ambassador at Jurong East Sport Hall had reminded some in the group to rest or warm up outside the hall if they were not using the courts, but did not mention anything about inter-mixing.
While the news of the suspension was somewhat expected, he said SportSG could have engaged the players in its investigation of the incident before meting out the punishment.
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