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Commuter who scolded older man 'f****** idiot' on MRT says he was insulted first

Commuter who scolded older man 'f****** idiot' on MRT says he was insulted first
The Stomper shared a photo of the uncle in a priority seat opposite him before the incident and the video the Stomper took himself of an earlier part of the argument that was not in the other video.
PHOTO: Stomp


A young man who was caught on video calling an older man a "f***ing idiot" in an argument over priority seating on the train said the older man insulted him first.

In the 30-second video taken on a train arriving at Bukit Gombak station on the North-South Line, Stomp contributor Tan can be seen in a priority seat holding his phone up and recording his own video of the uncle, who was standing by the door and waiting to alight.

"You're a clown," the uncle said to the Stomp contributor at the start of the video.

"I'm a clown? Who are you? Old fart?" retorted the Stomp contributor.

"Is this compulsory? Let me ask you one more time. Is this compulsory? This is not compulsory at all," continued the Stomp contributor as the uncle kept pointing to the sign behind the Stomp contributor's head.

Featuring the cartoon character Stand-Up Stacey, the sign said: "Show you care, offer this seat."

The Stomp contributor told the uncle: "And it's not in the Constitution. It's not a law. And then who do you think you are, you f***ing idiot."

The use of profanity triggered the uncle, who said angrily: "You mind your word ah!"

The Stomp contributor responded: "Want to hit me ah? Come lah, come.

The uncle threatened to whack the Stomp contributor as the train doors opened and the uncle stepped off the train.


"Come lah," taunted the Stomp contributor. "I make sure I sue you. Come lah, idiot."

After the video started circulating online, the Stomp contributor wanted to tell his side of the story.

"The video that was posted shows that the uncle was arguing with me over the seat, but in fact, he actually had a seat initially.

"Suddenly, I noticed he was talking to me. He asked me to get out of my seat. Then argued that this seat was not for me. He just didn't allow me to sit in the 'Show you care' seat."

The Stomp contributor shared a photo of the uncle in a priority seat opposite him before the incident.

He also shared the video he took himself of an earlier part of the argument that was not in the other video.

He told Stomp: "My video shows that uncle scolded me with the words 'You not Singaporean' and 'Stupid guy' first."

Stomp had reported a similar argument between another younger man and an uncle over the younger man in a priority seat on the MRT in October last year.

This article was first published in Stomp. Permission required for reproduction.

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