Driver nearly hit by oncoming traffic at Novena after throwing punches at motorcyclist

It would seem that some people have taken the term "Boxing Day" at face value.
In a video uploaded to Facebook this week, a driver was caught on camera attempting to, quite literally, box a motorcyclist in the face.
The man could be seen quarrelling with a motorcyclist in the middle of a crossing point just outside Novena Medical Centre. Despite a passer-by's efforts to stop the pair, by holding off both men, the former continued to throw punches at the latter.
At one point in their scuffle, the man's punch missed his target and he fell forward, landing several inches beside a car that was passing by.
Throughout the four-minute-long clip, several drivers could be heard sounding their horns at the pair for blocking the traffic. With the help of a few more passers-by, the men were pulled apart from each other and ushered onto their respective vehicles before they finally drove off.
The police confirmed that a report was lodged and investigations are currently ongoing.
While several netizens were miffed by the inconvenience caused by the altercation, others were tickled by the pair's choice of location for a fight, and pointed out how it would have been rather convenient to seek medical treatment should either party get hurt in the scuffle.
With the recent release of Ip Man 4, some suggested that the pair might have been influenced by the movie. On the other hand, others joked that they might have just been celebrating the spirit of Boxing Day.
According to the Road Traffic Act, a first-time offender could be liable to a fine of up to $2,000 or a jail term of up to three months for leaving their vehicle at rest on the road in a manner that is likely to cause danger, obstruction or undue inconvenience to other road users.